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I'd never been outside of Queensland except for the two week trip my faimly had taken to Melbourne years ago. We'd flown over The QLD-NSW borders and NSW-VIC borders to land in the Melbourne airport, though our plane had never stopped on New South Wales soil. Those dam cockaroch's were due for another State of Origin thrashing but this war started before the State rivalry could begin. Technically ACT (Australian Capital Territory) was its little own Territory in the New South Wales state other than the Northern Territory and it was home to the Australian Government. On a map compared to NSW it looked like someone had left a bloch from a coffee stain. Bit don't let the size of it fool you, it's where the Country's run from. My backpack weighed heavily on my shoulders but it was stuffed with important things for meeting and also other objects belonging to me and the others. As I walked it didn't bounce off my back as it was too heavy but when I stepped off the pair it came back with force and I ended up jutting my jest out before bending over slightly so that the bag wouldn't slide downwards and knock my head as I reeled in the pain the bag had given my back.

"What is even in your bag?" Marcus asked, one side of his cheek turning upwards so his lips fell into a squashed smile.

"Uhh. Important things and none of your business" I replied trying losses the straps to give my shoulders some relief from the tightly strapped backpack.

He sniffed and walked off, catching up to Alexis infront as Zephyr came into veiw and fell into step beside me.

"Looks like im playing chaperone today" he sighed smilin and I snorted "Don't worry. I ain't Marcus, you'd be stuck right under his eyes the whole day. He'd be to busy playing parent instead of chaperone" he whispered to me while trying to hold back the laughter wanting to escape his mouth.

I slapped a hand over my giggling mouth as Marcus turned around and tried to contain the snickers. Without saying a word he turned back around and said something inaudible to Alexis that we couldn't here because we were to far away before the two veered off the path and went somewhere.

"Well, Chaperone Zephyr? What are we doing today?" I asked.

"You do know I was joking right?" He said, all of a sudden serious.

"Yes, but they ain't gona let us go out of that gaye unless someone is our chaperone or 'guard dog' for the day. And if you leave you'll be replaced by someone else and we know you just as well as you know us. Face it, your stuck with us for the whole day; or your alone by yourself " I said, once again showing I knew more than I should've.

"Alright then, do you need me to treat you like little Primary kids and Grade seven's?" Zeph mocked.

"HEY! Iam 17 you know! And so will Aquila at then of this year. Than all of us are 16 except for Ace, she's.....-" I trailed.

"Thirteen dipshit" she grumbled before slapping me on the back.

We walked through the port before catching a ride in a toatally non suspicious white van to Macca's for breakfast. Than after some discussion we headed to the zoo for some reason. After finding out that paint ball existed here I had to try and stop Zeph from speeding. I was a nightmare on the feild, targeting everyone except my teamates; I'd even hit Zephyr twice in two minutes after he had respawned. That's what you get for being on the enemy team. I don't think I'd had this level of fun in a while, I don't think anyone of us had. We took our battered and bruised bodies to the shopping centre so we could check it out. Theirs was three stories but ours was one!

"Woooowww" Ace breathed.

"You can say that again!" Ivy said, trying to keep the atonished tone out of her voice.

"Woooowwwww" I mocked. "Come on guys! Seriously? None of you have been in a more than one story shopping centre?" I asked, eventhough it was a stupid question I was baffled thst they hadn't.

"No!" Almost everyone snapped back in unison.

"Once, when I was stuck in Brisbane for you know what with the hospital problems" Felicity said "But Makayla, that's because you travel alot. And don't day you don't! How many places- cities have you been because of hockey? Rep and State Quennsland championships!" She scolded me and I gave her a huff of annoyance in response, my nostrils flairing.

After a big day out we were heading back to the ship as we didn't know where we were supposed to be staying for the night when Zephyr got a phone call from Marcus. Since Zeph was driving I held onto his phone and pressed the green awnser button. Marcus told us to meet him outside the 'Avenue Hotel Canberra' hotel. After our little phone call with Marcus and ne putting the name of the hotel into Google Maps Zephyr started following the directions and after a few minutes of driving I could see the Parliament House looking grand as ever; the snowy white stone gleaming in the Autumn sunlight; groups of tourists flocked around the building in the centre of the roundabout. Marcus had a big grin on his face and wouldn't stop beaming from his excitement.

"Guess what! You guys are staying in the penthouse!" He practically shouted.

My jaw dropped, and I forgot to pick it up off the bitchumen. "Hold on? What do you mean we get the penthouse! That looks like it costs more than my life! Which it probably does!" I questioned, the words filled with incredible disbelief- Flic slapped my shoulder and hard before I met her glaring eyes. "Oppsie" I mumbled, nkt feeling sorry at all.

"Well, yous seven get the penthouse and Zephyr and me get the room just below you to ourselves. All fre of charge-" Marcus leaned in to whisper this part snd as soon as he said it I paled "- due to the Priminister. You can thank him for covering the costs".

I was higher than the clouds, heck even in the stratosphere in disbelief.

Thank you to all that have read this book to the end.

I was originally planning for this to be like a 100 chapter book but I know they can be boring and time consuming so with the help of some friends I decided to change this story in a 4 part series (tetralogy)!

I can announce that the second book will be released on Friday the 8th f September for Australia and New Zealand as well as anyone else in the Southern Hemisphere.

Look out for the title: Turn Of The War Tide

Special thanks to TheKawaiiBoy24 for being my editor and go to person for help and checking to make sure things make sense. Also helping me even whenever I needed it. (Sorry about the spaming ^^)

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