Stupid Makayla And American's

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Ivy's POV

An other boom sounded and Blondie ran up the road from the artillery position and jumped into the car with all of with us friends waiting. That was the tenth gun we'd blowen up this morning, since the planes had flown over we'd got a huge adrenalin rush and no one could go back to sleep afterwards. The sky was finally showing signs of early sunrise when we arrived back at our camp, those artillery gun positions we'd just taken out had been the last powerful defence the Russians had to defend the entrance to our town and any chances of keeping allied armies at bay. "Whoooo! That's gota be your, what? 500th? Gezz dude you need to save some for us! I'm done, exhausted, who wants a game of uno?" I said loudly as she settled down into my chair at the collapsible table. "Haha, I thought you were deprived of energy Ivy? Or just running of the last of your adrenalin rush hey? Where are my cards? I'll give you a game! And that is my 500th one, I think I'm going to quit now and leave that job to the professionals!" Makayla answered me and joked as she too stripped off her sword and joined me at the table. "Hah! I think with the margin you have no-one else in the allied armies is classed as a professional compared to you! Schooch over, I wanna reck my bestie, after all we haven't played in months!" Felicity said patting Makayla's shoulder after she had gotten dressed in more comfortable clothing and rejoined us at the table after making me move over to give her room.

I giggled with the group at Flic's comment and Blondie delt out the cards, making sure she was careful not to hand out more than seven to each player than took the first card off the deck and placed it on the table to let the game begin. Suddenly the table was crowded with young adults and Ace who was too happy with the plus two card she was adding to the pile. Ace grinned in victory as Lachlan in between Blondie and me had to pick up two cards evidently ruining his chance at being the first out. I looked between Makayla, her hand of cards and the growing pile she put down a plus two in yellow which ruined mine and Flics chance of stacking plus two cards. I added two more cards from the deck to my hand, the deck was walkout dwindling to a couple cards we were so interested in this game. "NO NO NO! AW COME ON!" I complained as Makayla grinned like the Cheshire cat and laughed as she watched me add two cards to my hand making me having to get rid of two extra cards befor I could put my two last cards down.

After the game was packed up and some tidying around the cap was done, I gota admit we were a bit messy from this mornings early rush and just in general, lunch was being prepared to be cooked over the fire. "OKAY! Which one of you's brought back the frozen pizza? I know you both hate it so who's the life saver here!" Ace shouted when she saw the box on the try it was going to be cooked in next to the fire. "Je ne sais pas demander à l'idiot qui a insisté pour que nous le ramenions pour les crétins qui semblent tellement aimer cette chose dégoûtante. Tu ne m'as jamais dit pourquoi tu l'as eu au premier endroit de toute façon, pourquoi?" Sky said and I realy was astonished at how much French came out of her mouth right then and there. " what the FUCK did you just say? I dont speak french and thst was too long to understand!" I  while waiting for Sky to finish up with stuffing around with the fire and making a flast surface for us to put the tray on.

Makayla sat there scooping up the last scraps of her minute noodles while waiting for us to pack and do whatever else we needed to do before we headed out again to see if we could free the airport. The radio had been sitting on the table all lunch and I wasn't the only one who was getting a bit pissed with the constant static comming from it. "Hey Makayla, can you turn the radio off. It's become anoying and giving us anything but hope of hearing new information right now!" Aquila shouted from the tent as she had carried her newly washed clothes once they were dry from the washing line we'd strung up ages ago and went to hang up the ones that weren't fully dry. "Okay! But if we miss anything it's on you, you know that right?" Blondie responded back and Fishy nodded her understanding. The raido began to assault our ears with even more and louder static as if trying to put up one last final fight before we had any chance to turn it off, Makayla's hand reach the off button when a farmilar sound came through. The sound of a radios button being prssed in was followed by more static and then the sound became less louder. I barely saw Makayla's hand fly from the off button to the channel dial and she fidgeted around with it until buttons clicking and words streamed out of the radio.

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