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Sky's POV:

The rain was so heavy it was like buckets of water being dumped on us constantly or rain poured down onto me like a shower but that shower had more pressure like a pressure washer that spits out a water jet capable of destroying fruit.

I could feel the drops through my raincoat and hoodie because they were hitting us so hard. I swear it was hailing. Looking up towards the sky I scored a rain drop to find its way into my eye.

"Ewww! That bitch just had to fall at the right time when I looked up!" I shouted trying to get the water out of my eye and giving the sky the finger.

Science has taught me not to trust what could be in water drops after I found out they contained more than just water. Alex was laughing beside me as we walked on and laughter covered up with coughing could be heard beside Alex.

"Oh so you think it's funy don't you! Ive got a whole bunch of wet clothes I could dump on you!" I said, getting closer to her, "Give me a hug!"

After chasing her a few metters I was out of breath, she was the fitter goalkeeper.

"Oh come on! For someone who had one on one last game and you got to the top of the circle before they even past the twenty-five meter line and that's what? Ten metters, your faster than you think!" Makayla said, trying to convince me that I was the faster goalkeeper.

We had been covering as much ground as possible while we could when we could. Wether it was at midnight speeding down the road, or sunrise-in a car stupid people had left unlocked at service stations that were were tankful for or at sunset or sunrise. We tried to get as far as we could with the cars otherwise this would be an eight day trek.

There was nothing on the horizon as we walked onto nothingness."Flic were the hell are we? Can we please stop I've been awake since 4am and walking because it was to cold to sleep and now its almost lunch time!" I complained.

"Alright. Set up your hammocks out of veiw and get some rest while Blondie and I work out how much farther to go." Flic said, looking at the map Makayla pinched.

We tried to stay hidden in the most busiest parts of they day- like lunch time.

Swinging in my hammock gently I listened to the leaves russle above and the birds calls into the wind. It seemed peaceful, too peaceful for what was happening. Just to check I wasn't dead I popped my head up above my hammock to see Makayla rocking in her hammock sideways as she and Flic were working out how much farther to go

A big gust of wind blew strands of her hair out of its bun which made her look cuter as she let them settle beside her left eye. Rolling over in my hammock to abetted position so I could see Makayla more as I swung up in this tree admiring her. Staring at her I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. I couldn't care if she knew I was staring at her I was fixed on her and how cute she was.

Eventually I drifted off to sleep and I didn't no when I did but I woke up to some stunning pale blue eyes looking at me. Makayla had no expression, just a blank look and I loved that she could control her poker face. Well, up until you really want to know something or to a point where she can't help but laugh.

I sighed loudly and rolled back over only to have her pop up again and threaten to roll me out of my hammock by tugging the side down.

"Okay you two figured out where we are going now?" I asked as I stretched, laying in that hammock had relaxed muscles too much.

"Yes dickhead, otherwise we wouldn't be going anywhere! Now we've worked out that we are in front of the furtherst Russians and really close to the city. The only problem is we just can't walk in there like this, we need a car. At least to get to Makayla's God parents place." Felicity explained.

Well that would be easy if there was a car around.

We continued to walk for hours before seeing anything else in the distance, a service station that looked like it was still working. It was infact working, but we didn't want to be seen incase they took us somewhere we wouldn't get out so we skipped it and continued down the road.

Another hour of walking, nothing but just road and bush on either side of it ahead. Hours later we arrived at the outskirts of a town outside Brisbane.

"We can't steal a car from here and we are not hitch hiking. So, I guess the bus is our best shot." Alexandra said.

"Well when does it stop here? It should be an hour ride back to the city right? Make sure you find one that stops on the Southfield of Brisbane." Makayla asked trying to see the times buses stop.

We were lucky, in an hour one was stopping here and going back into the city. Plus it was stopping at shopping centre Makayla said was near her God parents house at 3pm. We decided we'd try our luck and the money we brought incase might come In handy after all, using a parks toilets was not fun but a service stations shower I appreciated very much.

Soon a bus appeared along the road in the distance slowing down to stop at our stop.

We weren't alone, there were others along with us which helped with the awkwardness, still people gave us some looks as to why seven teens were alone at this time.

"Does this bus go to the shopping centre at southside?" Makayla asked and I heard the bus driver agreeing and telling her were it dropped off there.

"Do we need to pay?" I asked and he shook his head.

"He's taking us for free as I told him we were visiting someone there but I'd still be cautious." she said grabbing her bag.

The driver smiled as he let us get on and I shoved my bag down in the seat beside me.

"Good thing we put our things in our bags! Makayla how'd did you even get yours in?" I whispered laughing at the end of my statement.

We were sitting up near the back with me and Makayla on one side while Flic, Alex and sat on the otherside and Ace and Aquila were chilling on the five seats up the back as there was no way they'd fit the seven of us. Lachlan was lounging in the seat infront of us. Makayla just smirked a tugged at her extra jumper she was wearing, so she had taken that out to create space.

Eventhough we were mainly talking I knew we were watching were this dude went as whenever he drove somewhere sketch we would all look towards the front of the bus. We were one of the last people on the bus when he reached our stop, hastily we got off not wanting to spend anymore time there than we needed to- we already looked sketchy from being picked up at that stop alone.

"Makayla where are we going? We ain't going the way to the house!" Flic said as I was tugging down on my bag straps.

"I know but no-one will be home and plus I know where my Godparent works!" Blondie said speed walking towards the shopping centre.

'Holy Fuck! I'ma break my foot if she goes any faster! In either gona trip or roll my ankle!' I thought as we walked super fast; this girl could walk fast if she wanted to be somewhere.

We entered Kmart and went to the clothing isle, Makayla grabbed a handful of cloths before lining up at a checkout.

The lady behind it hadn't noticed us so she was still clearing her screen.

Makayla cleared her throat and said "Leane?"

In an instant her head snapped up and her eyes widdend at the sight of Makayla, she even came round to give her a koala hug.

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