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Sky's POV:

I heard the zip unzipping and tried to ignore it but my instincts got the better of me. We were in an invasion now, I couldn't just pass off everything to be someone going to the toilet.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I tried not to move as Makayla slowly unzipped the tent and walked outside. Once the zip was done up again I sat up, careful not to wake anyone. She left a part open big enough for me to see through.

It had to be around five or six o'clock in the morning. The sun was struggling to rise in the beyond. The horizion was painted a beautiful purple, black and light orange was slowly seeping in to the canvas.

After dumping her hoodie and a blanket into her hammock she started the fire agian than fastened her sword in its sheath to her waist. I had to unzip the zip more a bit to see her now, as she had moved further away from the tent to the edge of the camp and she was now hacking at our test dummy. Aka a thick long log. I swear she secrectly did martial arts or something that taught her how to weild a sword like that.

She started off by slashing at it than moving onto what seemed like harder skills, oy she made them look effortless. She would grip the sword with her left hand on top and stand with it straight up and down before stepping forward with her right foot; she would tilt the sword to either sideand lean in as if lunging to hack at a person. Makayla would switch her front leg everytime she switched sides with the sword.

In one motion she slashed at it with her left and then her backhand, almost swirling the sword around, and with one final moment she did an arc around her head before slicing atleast two inches into the wood. Makayla worked on her non-dominant hand skills. Her right hand, as while the movements weren't flowing like her left hand or as smooth they were still pretty effective. The way her blonde curls fell around her face and matched those pale icey blue eyes of hers that looked stormy when she was mad captivated me once again.

And don't ever let her look you straight in the eys. The last time I did that I found myself glued to their oddity but beautifulness. Makayla's muscles were showing as she sheathed her sword and put her messy hair into a ponytail. Or whatever of the last remenantes she could gather. But on the last loop she didn't pull it all the way through leaving it like a little bun.

Why are my cheeks hot?

Holy shit!

I was blushing! There was no way she liked me. Out of all people.

Someone stirred as I got up to get dressed and I turned around to see Ace on the ground waking up.

"Hey Ace. Don't worry you can go back to sleep: in the bed. I was just going to the toilet......uhh do you know if Makayla has a crush?" I whispered as Ace popped herself up on her elbow.

"What? Oh uh...... I don't know 'f she like 'nyone but you should 'eee.... the looks and glances she gives someone in this group. Now fuck off, 'nd let me get back to sleep!" She whispered before throwing herself back onto her bed.

That was.....somewhat helpful. God Ace, I shouldn't have asked you- now you're going to kill me later on for waking you up.

So, she does like someone. Maybe? Someone here. But Makayla hasn't been showing her usual sings of liking someone, I wonder who it must be because for her to go to the lengths of not showing anything she was sirously trying to hide how much she liked this person. Well, that's what Felicity said-  if Makayla is trying to hide her feelings for someone she will try to act like a normal person around them.

After a few minutes I joined her outside and started working on my technique, eager to show her that I could weild a wepon too.

"Have fun traing or get too cold? Though how did you do that arc, around your head?" I said, still smirking from my earlier remark about finding out she does like someone.

Makayla reguarded me from her hamock. "If you must know, no I didn't get too cold. I simply just gave up exhausted, after and hour. And as for the arc trick, I'd rather not teach anyone that as we'd all be missing an arm or decapitated!" She whispered loudly.

Guess she realy thought that the arc trick was really dangerous to teach other people her skills. I noded to say I understood and headed over to standing log.

"Gezz this must've been some hour long workout if the cuts in the log are almost two inches deep!"I mussed as she watched from her hammock underneath her warm blanket and hoodie, eventhough it was just the end of Autumn you could see your breath and it was colder than usual and it didn't gelp when the fog got in the way of your veiw. I guess that's because nothing's working around here now which means I guess the seasons are naturally changing now.

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