No Way! On The First Day Back?

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Ivy's POV:

I had to go to the toilet halfway through English. And I so regret sculling that Ice break coffee. Just my luck, I buy a coffee for me and Flic and I'm the one who ends up spending less time in class. I know why do you want to spend more time in class?

Well Sky knows and I'm currently beating myself up about letting her know. Though I can get her back at liking Makayla, eventhough she won't admit it.

I may have acidentally let it slip that I thought Felicity was cute on our fist day. Then straight after we ended the term on the way to the bus I let it slip that I liked her. "Nice going Ivy!" I mentally kicked myself for thinking of that again.

A loud sound in the distance made me almost shit my pants as walked up to the toilet lady to get my note signed. She wasn't there, instead she was with a bunch of other students at the end of the pathway. I hadn't seen them because I was grabbing my student ID out of my zip up pocket, which was my timetable because I hadn't goten my ID card yet.

Two of the six soilders came up to me and I instantly held my hands up showing it was only a peice of paper in my hand, one of them grabbed me not so nicely by the collar of my shirt at the back of the neck and guided me to the group. All I could think about was the necklace Felicity had given me for Easter.

Hopping it wasn't broken.

Thrown in with the crowd, a hand grabbed mine and I looked up to see an angry Sky.

"Those guys clearly can take the piss outa someone can't they!" I whispered to a very clearly unhappy Sky.

"I'm mean look at the way they grabbed you, they saw you weren't a threat and they still treated you like shit!" She hissed back

"Oh? And what if it was Makayla they treated like that? You would've been at their heads." I teased her.

She gave me a death glare saying don't you dare start about me liking her! "Of course I would be at their heads!" She hissed in her unhappy tone.

"Just tryna have fun while I can." I whispered giving her a pat on the shoulder to say sorry.

Sudenly I was pulled into the next group by a very scared Felicity. She grabbed my hand and dragged me through another group; I think she forgot she was still holding onto my hand and when she noticed she turned bright red. She was blushing. She looked at the smug expression on my face and imeaditly looked away.

We followed Makayla to the music block where Ace was hidding and made our way to Gracemere.

I liked seeing Flics house, it was further out than most houses, near the farming part of town, it was quite peaceful. The next night Makayla had the brilliant idea of raiding shops so we could set up a more hidden camp and still be able to live. I couldn't stop but secrectly watch Flic the whole time. Especially when she showed her muscles.

"Ivy stop admiring her! Your going to make it obvious!" I chastised myself while I was thinking about her.

We made it to the beach. Pulling up in Makayla's aunties house. Makayla  pulled the spare keyes out from underneath a lounge and unlocked the door. She pointed to places and rooms as she showed us where things were and ordered us not to touch anything else. Especially any paintings that were on the T.V cabnet.

"Sorry guys. We only have three rooms. So uhm one of you guys is going to have to double up. That is, if no one wants to sleep on the couch." Makayla laughed.

My heart was screaming out of my chest that I got to sleep with her for the night as there was only three beds but my mind kept making me nervous.

Just fucking do it! She's not going to be awkward about it if you don't make it even more awkward! You just tower over her, it's no big deal!

"I can take the couch." I asked out of no where.

"Shut up! You'll roll off." Sky laughed, "I mean, look at the room you have."

"Barely any." Aquila snorted.

"Try sitting on it with a younger brother thinking he fricking can take up the whole thing." Makayla grumbled.

Lachlan sighed, "welp. With the seven of us, someone is going to have to sleep on the lounge. Makayla, you have your aunties room. The first room can fit two people plus one other on the stretcher bed. Then the other room can fit only two more people. That leaves one of us to sleep out here."

"Actually-" Makayla drawled out. "The lounge outside doubles as a bed. Me and Sky can sleep in my bed that's two down. Felicity, Ivy and Aquila can sleep in the room with the stretcher bed. That's five. And I know Ace won't double with you Lachlan. So....... one of you can take the bed and the other can sleep on the lounge converted into a bed."

Ace and Lachlan gave her sceptical looks.

"Don't worry. I will bring it inside. With a little help of course!".

"You- BETTER!" They both shouted in  unision.

We all laughed.

"Well come on, come and help me!" She exsaperated to Lachlan.

He got up and followed her to the back door. They got on each side and lifted. It didn't look like it was heavy to them but I bet it had some weight to it. They lifted it up to around waist height. Something green, in a blur jumped off of it and Aquila screamed like hail mary.

A green tree frog had landed right next to her. Aquila jumped back as Makayla stalked over and swatted it away with her foot. Goalkeeper style.

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