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Makayla's POV:

If Sky didn't know I was watching her before secrectly out of the corner of my eye while she swung in her hammock and watched us, she would for sure know now I was watching as she was laying down in the only spare room in Leane's house. We'd made it to her work since I knew no-one would be home, once she saw me she actually swore and gave me a bear hug saying

"Where the hell is your brother and mum and dad? I guess these are your friends?"

I responded, "Yeah, you know Felicity; this is Sky, Aquila, Ace and Lachlan. Oh and Alexandra-sorry Alex I'm not used to introducing soo many friends. And well.... mum and dad, Lachlan- their back in town and I....I think.. think they've been captured and...and....yeah." once I said my friends names they either pointed to themselves or said hi, Alex just smiled knowingly at my last comment shaking her head.

She'd said she had to continue working for another hour and Ian wouldn't be home so she handed me the keys and gave us some money so we could by some actual food to eat.

"Makayla good thing you took the money and knew she wouldn't take no for an awnser! This...ahhh.."the rest of the group was to focused on munching down their food and nodding their agreement, I lowered my Macca's burger and started attacking my Chinese-" I can not thank your Godparent enough this is delicious and thank you for keeping us alive on the journey here." Sky somewhat whispered in between mouthfuls of her food.

There was too many types of fast food on this table to count, Subway, McDonald's, KFC, Red Roster, Domino's pizza that me and Sky hate unsurprisingly, Wendy's and Gelatismo ice-cream.... and many more." I still feel somewhat guilty for taking it, buti get we needed to eat and she wouldn't've taken no for an awnser." I replied lifting a chicken and Mayo Red Roster roll up to my mouth.

I was so going to be fatter than before, so much for losing weight.

It was another half an hour before we got to their place since we were walking but I was sure Ian was going to get a fright, Leane came home half an hour after we made it back and she to was egar to see his reaction. It was 6pm before there was noise of a car pulling up outside and Leane told us to hide while she let him in through the door. The secret code word for us to surprise him was work, how ironic. When he got to the door he said.

"How's your day been?" Leane responded by saying. "Ahh! You know, I got a surprise at work." as she backed out of the way of the hallway.

"And I'm the surprise!" I shouted. His response was instant, he jumped so high and almost fell over backing away before he realised it was me and then started dying of laughter from our little prank.

"Oh, Frick! Bloody hell you got me! Ahh Makayla it's so good to see you and know your alright, you've grown too. Who's your friends?" He shouted between guawfs of laughter, happiness in his eyes.

He was one person that loved to joke and have a good laugh, it was hilarious to here Ian say 'Bloody hell!' because he was British- he normally said it instead of swearing.

"Hahah, I guess you haven't had a jump scare in a while?" he just continued to chuckle at that,"Well as for my friends I'd be pretty sure I would be 90% right to say we're the only ones who weren't captured by the Russians. We'd decided to come down to Brisbane so we could stock up on supplies as the stupid soilders have trashed every store and well, just to see if you guys were still here incase we had to escape again." I explained.

"Aw come here." he whispered as I was on the edge of tears again explaining what happened, but hey no-one but a physco wouldn't cry about this.

After introductions Ian and Leane started dinner as they ate at 5pm which was way to early while they let us catch up on news by watching the TV.

We planned only to stay at least two days max so we wouldn't be a burden to them and their food supply but we ended up staying another day because they didn't want us to leave so soon. I was amazed they were even letting us go back but they had reasoned if we had been able to avoid being captured on the first assault or killed and make it this far then they said they believed we could make it back to our town and try to free our parents even though it was likely a 100% suicide mission. Our bags were heavier than before but the perk about travelling back was we got to catch a bus back to the small town on the edge of the big city and then another bus all the way to the rural housing area around the service station we saw was working. After cutting a two day journey into half a day we tried to get as far as the bridge only to mad it there by nightfall. It was even colder this night as Autumn was almost over.

"Never, never again! Next time you want attempt anything like that I'll kill you myself after taking your short sword away since your so good at weilding that thing!" Alex complained as she washed off the mud from her legs and her shoes earning a laugh in response from me. Since the rain had passed it had left some parts of the sides of the road super muddy or little puddles of water, sometimes big patches had decided to collect at the side of the roads.

So, we had trekked through mud, water, muddy water and a literal mini swamp before we reached the car. Learning how to drive was probably the best thing I was doing being almost seventeen, the car hadn't been touched surprisingly but that may have been because we left it at the end or start of someone's long dirt driveway out of veiw. The creek had raised a bit so we had to set camp up a bit further away than we did before but that didn't bother us. Infact the first night we just sleeped in our hammocks. The next morning I fiddled with a military grade radio around the fire while waiting for breakie.

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