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Makayla's POV

The sounds of constant artillery being fired and exploding almost above us was quiclky deafening me, not to mention the hail of fire we were under from infantry. Any time someone would poke their head up you would hear the scary spine-chilling ting of the bullet hiting a helmet. We were pinned, and nobody could do anything. I fell back onto my ass as another artillery shell exploded in the air above us, shaking the building below me. I scrambled, camando crawling to the pile we had created and grabbed the rifle and a few bullets. There was no breaks in the fire, but there was parts were it would slow enough to allow soilders to reload and release another round on us and when one finally the fire died down enough I sprinted over to the stairwell making sure to keep my upper half down low. I was amazed this building had barely any bullet holes in it but that maybe was because they were aim just over the building.  I was shitting myself and again but I stuck out an empty backpack in the open while I hid behind the shops wall in the ally. No-one shot at it, not even when I threw it in the quite high as I tossed it into the middle of the street. Not one shot. I ran for a car and hid behind the back of it, not a shot was fired in my direction; I ran for another one a few meters ahead. The same thing. I ran down the street and across the riverside street diving behind the riverbank restaurant.

I heard a crack and a cloud of concrete dust rose up and quickly evaporated a meter to my left. Laying in the tiled ground was a firred bullet. "God your crazy! Insane! Even more than we thought!" Someone shouted quietly but loud enough to be hear over the storm of fire behind us. My head snapped up and I saw the soilder I'd been talking to before had mannaged to escape and follow me to the river bank. "Wha- yeah I was thinking that. I'm pinned, what can I do now?" I questioned him as he and his group fo four other soilders to cover behind the arches in the building behind me. The mystery soilder took off his backpack and after checking it was safe bolted over to me with something in his hand. Only he was stopped just before me and had to dive behind a car that was luckily there. "Don't you even think about dropping this! I'm not close enough to throw it like you but I can throw it to you, if you drop it leap to your right and cover face and ears!" He didn't even bother whispering this time and after he shouted mystery soilder crept out from his hiding place only to stand up briefly and toss the object to me. I had a heart attack when I thought it was gona drop before I caught it them after I did catch it I had an even bigger heart attack it was going to fall out of my hands. Luckily it stayed and I shouted back "Now what? Pull the pin?". "Oull the pin out and toss it a few feet to your left!" he shouted back. I did as I was told and as soon as it was live it started hissing, I wasn't holding onto anything like that so it tossed it bowling style out into the street, it bounced a few times before landing.

I heard a small pop and then watched as the object bounced once more slightly turning and yellow smoke started smouldering out until a second past then it was billowing out. A smoke grenade. "Wow, Mr mysterious soilder aren't you smart!" I shouted to him as he poped his head up and bolted to me before his other buddies ran across. "Hah! Are we joking now? My names Marcus. And yours? Since you've been such a help" he questioned as he caught his breath and I swear I could hear a hint of humour in his voice. "Well Marcus I suppose you like to joke a bit but it helps me focus and get through things that are frightening for me.  I'm Makayla, Flic's the short brown haired one with glasses, Ivy's the black haired one, so is Lachlan and Sky's like me. And well, you can't miss tiny Aquila" I introduced myself and told him the names of thr rest of the group. "Take your shot" Marcus whispered and I kind of felt he was testing me. I tried to ignore the jitters and as I focused on the artillery gun I watched for another she'll to be launched. The gun went boom and I squeezed the trigger in as fast as I could, a few seconds later something not so high above the water exploded. "You.. you shot- how!" Another soilder whispered breathlessly as in shock.

"I still don't know how the fuck you managed to shoot an artillery shell out of the air!" Someone shouted ans I wrenched myself from daydreaming on what just happened to glance over at Marcus. Everyone was staring at me in the back of the lead camo American transport truck, and as the silence continued the sound of the revenge engine wasn't comforting one bit. I was only listing so I could right it down later.. "What? It was a one in a million shot but it was either hit it or take another shot at the artillery gun's barrel" I mussed loudly. Some soilders still occasionally glanced over to me but left me alone mostly, the others thanked me and the rest of my friends for saving their asses for about the millionth time. After about an hour the trucks slowed down and  eventually stopped, some soilders came around the back to help but almost lost it when they saw us but they quickly recovered only to rear back once they did a double take on us. I heard the sound of steps of someone walking to the back and a firm voice spoke " I need an escort straight to the Lieutenant Colonels tent right away! Take us there and only there, no-one is to interpret us. Got it?" Marcus asked his words were strict and he sounded exactly like a soilder.

"Sir, I believe I've solved your Russian artillery mystery problem" Marcus spoke and someone responded with an Australian accent which sent a chill through my body and made my heart pound. "Really? Is that so?" They asked half sceptical and half curious. Marcus walked over the tent entrance and held up the door so we could walk in. A crowd had gathered rapidly in the few seconds we'd marched to the Lieutenant Colonels tent and now we sat around waiting with Marcus's  group playing our bodyguards, making sure none of the few thousand soilders a few meters away milling around or glaring at us would try anything. "Oh and I believe that these are yours" Marcus stated before motioning us inside. The Lieutenant Colonels name bage read Kyle Stewart. Kyle rose awkwardly and planted his hands on his desk before hissing "What is the meaning g of this!". "Well, sir if you were to ask any questions you'd like I'd be happy to answer but if you'd take a look at that high school year book and flip through to the third page, went down three rows and looked three or four across you'd find me. Makayla Janiszewski. Oh! And also can you tell me what Aram's Battilon exactly means?" I said and Kyle started me down. "How do you know that name? Where did you here it!" Kyle hissed again suddenly getting very irritated.

"We were hopping you could tell us why the Russians gave us that stupid name" Flic spoke although a bit quite she got the response she wanted, Kyle and Marcus both almost fell over once their minds processed what she said. I gave her a fist bump amd a compliment for ignoring her social anxiety, she just returned the fist bump and nodded whilst her right fist was white from squeezing her shirt. Kyle recovered from his shock and stood up straight, fixing his uniform. "It stands for 'AUSTRALIAN  RETALIATION ANNEXATION MOB SOLDIERS' and Battilon well we don't know why" he explained. "Maybe that's because we did blow up around one thousand of their artillery guns. So that maybe the reason they call us a Battilon" I voiced and once again Kyle and Marcus were in complete utter shock. "Bet you wouldn't've come if you didn't know why fireworks were being launched up and down the coast. Huh!" I teased. "That's it! You seven! Tell me the whole story now! And we have been looking for you seven everywhere- the only seven people to escape capture and their teenagers!" Kyle's words were a lot less harsh and firm this time but his voice still had that anoying strictness in it.

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