She's Insane

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Sky's POV

Makayla wanted us to go into Brisbane and grab fireworks.

Was she insane? Well, she is stupid and stubborn sometimes but this was really the first ludicrous idea she has had.

"Who's up for the task?" She asked.

"If we think about it, it is your plan and it would make sense for you to go so that's one person down. Anyone up for volunteering?" I said and Ivy snorted beside me.

"I'm staying here. And so is Flic, where ever she goes I go." she stated.

"That's fine, I don't expect you to leave her the moment I ask, I wont separate you guys. And I'm not that mean!" Makayla stated back.

What's up with them two? Lately they haven't been leaving eachothers side, hmmmm I wonder? Makayla glanced over at me and when our eyes meet eachother her eyes darted to Ivy and Flic before returning to me and she threw her eyebrows up, twice she raised her eyebrows and I got the secret message she was trying to get across without being caught. I grinned.

Ace wacked me in the side and I grunted before giving her a little 'playful' barge back. Apparently she hadn't been ready because she fell out of her chair. Everyone laughed, Including her before she got back up.

"I'll let you guys think it over today, we don't have to leave exactly right now or tomorrow, though the sooner the better." she said before sitting back down in her chair near the fire and roasting what I believed was a marshmallow.

Where did she get these things from, like come on, one day they just apear out of nowhere almost! I was feeling better so I decided I had to eat something anyways so I grabbed a plate and pilled some cooked prawns and fish on it before I munched it down.

"How long would we be gone if we did manage to get into Brisbane?" I questioned.

"We would be there around almost two weeks because the closest factory is like almost in the middle of the city, and we will need to stay in a hotel for a while. But other than that we should be out within two weeks, the real problem is getting back here and the challenge is that we don't know where their new front is." Makayla explained and as if this discussion didn't happen she shoved a spoonful of rice and crummed fishy into her mouth, toping it off with a crummed prawn dipped in BBQ sauce.

She wasn't entirely insane, I'd bet she'd have a back up plan incase anything went wrong, unless something went wrong that she didn't have a backup plan for. That night I did feel better, definitely not vomiting, infact I actually got some sleep. The dogs were happy to see us and I gave them a quick play sesion before saying goodbye.

"You can't go alone and the child can't go so," Ace shouted Hey and threw a twig at me, I doged it leaning forward and she sent a light punch onto my arm once I sat up,"....BITCH! I think it's only fare the people who are used to being the centre of attention and made to stop balls from getting past you every week, let alone the continuous physicality of it should go. We're used to moving fast to stop things but that can also help us doge things and our super awareness as well as our extra speed we get when the gear is off....." I trailed off knowing I'd said enough to make my point and anyone else wasn't going to go anywhere soon.

Blondie smirked at my sudden stop and gave me a fist bump. I finished my lunch again before pulling out that oldish map and trying to map out a safer route than last time. It would take us an extra three days of delay if we went the far more safer route but I wasn't keen on being thst close to Russians agian. Makayla pointed to a smaller marked road beside our last times travel road that we had had a little encounter with.

"What about this road, instead of travelling straight through on the highway we go through the little town. We would have to pass through at night but other than a day's delay we well be there practically on time." she stated, that was a good plan and I was keen to try it out but for now we would need to stock up on supplies as our food and water were running low.

"You what!" Ivy screeched when Makayla explained where she wanted to stock up from.

"There's no way we'd get anywhere near that town before we'd be perfect shark food! Even worse, non existent!" Aqulia shouted.

I couldn't help but stiffle a laugh at Fishy's her indirect meaning of us being blown up to smithereens, I saw Makayla grinned as well. Makayla wanted to use the cover of darkness to raid a store closer to where we knew alot of Rusian activity was happening, heck Makayla even suspected they where using the Keppel Bay Mariana close to it as a supply and troop dropp off harbour.

The spotlights and the security lights shone all over place making stalking around in the dark almost impossible. One spot would be dark for a couple of seconds depending on how long the soilder would leave their light stationary and with one swift movement your cover was gone. The only way across was to hopp from dark patch to another. I was using up valuable time standing still in my patch of darkness the but next soilder kept sweeping his light like he couldn't see something comming for him in the darkness, the light was almost upon me when he stilled his light and I dove across the road hoping I wasn't exposed.

Flic and Aquila followed persute, Ivy had stayed behind with the car and Ace as she had cheekily stashed some alcohol and played being sick- that's something Makayla can never find out about.

We'd be dead if she found it, not because she would want some but because we didn't tell her, though I don't know how that person has never had a sip of alcohol under-aged.

"Probably her mother convincing her if she did she'd been in more than just trouble." I thought as I hopped to the next patch of darkness.inside the store was almost barren as more than likely the Russians had been raiding this store for better food and other supplies.

"Keep low and be quiet as you possibly can, grab as much as you can and make a break for the car!" She hissed once we crawled through the broken glass doors, apparently the enemy didn't think anyone was going to try and raid this place because not a single window was borded up. Pack after pack we cleared the shelf of the last water bottles they had, enough to last us another couple weeks.

Makayla put foot to pedal as soon as we were close to the road leading back to the highway. The car jolted and eventh I had a seatbelt on I was flung forwards into the passenger seat.

"Why did you stop?" I demanded.

"Look." her voice was the most sirous and afraid I'd ever heard it, even worse than before.

She was gawking. And for a good reason because off to our left was three put of this world humungus Russian ships unloading supplies but it didn't stop there, the very first ship closest to us was unloading something everyone was scared of. Rocket launchers.

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