What Do We Do?

42 4 0

Sky's POV

I still don't get how Makayla mannaged to find and grab those marshmallows without me seeing, I was literally right next to her practically the whole time.

I gave her a hug for grabbing them and saving my dessert but I also surprised myself. I hadn't excepted to start, well, feeling like I liked someone. I was not ready for a school romance just yet.

I was feeling comfortable around her and hugging her didn't feel awkward. I kinda liked it. She for some reason tensed up and I think that's because, she thought I was gona steal more marshmallows.

Felicitys toaster wasn't working with the generator Jetski had set up, as many times as I pushed the stupid lever down it would always fling back up eventhough it was clearly conected and turned on.

"Flic how the fuck does your fricking toaster work! Cause its not working with the generator!" I whined.

"Don't worry about the stupid thing, you've got a working one right infront of you!" Makayla said as she gestured to the fire.

"Oh, hah ya....Of course the fire" I trailed off, there was nothing really else to say.

And why are my cheeks hot! I ran inside before she could ask me her question.

I absolutely hate pancakes. I stareted to hate them after when I was like six or seven years old dad would feed me then continuously whenever I got sad about mum. You see, they were her favourite food and mine at the time but over time I'd grown to disliking them as mum got worse and worse.

Now I can barely stand to watch someone eat them as they brought back those painful memories when we found out mum was badly sick. Dad understood after a while, and he said he too couldn't for a bit.

I almost shed a tear as I watched Flic much down a giant pancake and luckily Makayla chose the right moment to ask if wanted any eggs from the pan, I moved me seat over to the left of Makayla so I couldn't see Flic eating.

Wait, when did Jetski or Blondie become Makayla? I heard the scrapping of one of those plastic Ikea bowls and ny attention was imeaditly drawn to Makayla as her head snapped to her shoulder on her right, blocking any sound getting to her ear and a finger blocking the noise in the other.

"Aquilla! Cut it out, Makayla can't handle it!" I shouted and Tiny Fish snapped her head up as she stopped.

"Sorry! I didn't know you hated the noise!"she said, guilt and worry written all over her face.

"It's fine really, I didn't even think to tell you about it, I kinda forgot I hatted the noise. I don't really know why but I suspect it has something to do with my dad 24/7 scrapping one of those plastic bowls evertime he had ice-cream and at first the noise hurt my ears, he always scrapes it louder and gets louder when you ask him to to fucking shut it, I told him to stop but he'd only keep going causing it to be a trigger. Like when you grab the back of my neck, you'd be on the ground in pain before I even thought about who it was." she explained and I felt really angry that her dad hadn't stopped the first time.

We mucked around some more with card and board games before packing up our stuff.

"I don't think we should stay here any longer than tonight. Remember the Tommorrw when the war began part where Corrie's house was blown up because they stayed in her house too long and when the invaders checked out the house they found them? The bush out the back of Gracemere would be great but I suspect no one knows nothing about them. Anyone got anything better?" Makyla ended with a question as she was out of ideas.

"Maybe......what if we, under the cover of darkness, like the seven in Tommorrw When The War Began did as they headed to Hell. But raid all of the shops like Annaconda, BCF and The Outpost. All of those survival shops and we could try some bushland along the roads to the beaches. The only thing I'm worried about is that it's literally right next to the ocean and it's an hour away from Roslyn bay which would be their main way of getting supplies and people up here as the Fitzroy isn't safe or large enough to allow those boats in." Tiny Fish explained.

We quite liked the idea even if it sounded insane. It would also give us the edge over with suplies over the Russians.

"Uh.....Just one thing. What is Tommorow When The War Began? And what did they do- like how do you all know about it. And why does someome's house blow up!" I asked, cluelessly.

"It's a book by John Marsdon. There's a whole complete series. Tomorrow When the War Began is the first book in the series by John Marsden. It was published in 1993. It's about Australia being invaded and the occupation of Australia by a foreign power." Makayla explained.

We decided that we woukd spilt in to  groups of two with three people each and raid each store. It would be faster that way; if we were spotted it would make it easier to escape than a whole group of seven could. Ace was staying in the car as lookout, she was also staying hidden as she was the youngest and more likely to freak out about the slightest thing in the dark. The experience with the school had given her a bit of a fright.

We did not want to put Ace theough any more ordeals where she would freak out or be traumatised.

Plus, these soldiers seemed like the tyoe of people to 'shoot now, ask questions later'. We wouldn't forgive ourselves of someone was shot and or killed because we were to brave and stupid. And besides, we knew Ace was begong and pleading to drive any of the cars now that there we no laws or people in place to conteract her and punish her.

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