First Encounter

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Felicity's POV:

The radio had distributed the silence but it had more distributed us that the Russians now somehow had a name for us.

We continued to lay on the pinick blanket for another hour as we tried to figure out what the name stood for. It was funny being named by another country, especially if they had no idea who we were.

If they did than I wouldn't be surprised if they named us 'SIKTWTGK. Stupid Idiot Kids That Want To Get Killed'.

That was pretty much who we are but leave out the 'want to get killed' part.

"I think we should start heading back the sun's just above the trees. Come on you dipshits get up!" I said as I stood and saw that everyone had rolled over and tried to look like they were asleep.

"Fine, I'll just pull the blankets out from underneath you's." I whispered loudly and everyone shot up, well except for Ivy. She had actually fallen asleep.

"Hey speeyhead, how's the dream life?" I heard Makayla shout after I woke Ivy up.

It was funny when she jumped after figuring out it was me who was waking her.

The waves lulled into the sand, the beach was as calm as it would get. The sun in the hazy purple orange sky was just rissing and for this little cool town it was actually quite spectacular. It would be better on the island that was a gigantic shadow behind the tiny island to my left, I was sure it as one of the Keppels but I didn't know which one. Blondie would know for sure.

"Hey Blondie" Makayla snorted at the nickname she oh so hated us calling her,"What Island is that, not that one the one that's the shadow?" I whispered to her since it was still really early in the morning and we didn't know if any emeny soilders were around.

"I don't know, figure it out, guess...." she whispered back scrunching up her face in her typical mock glare.

I snorted and kept peppering her with 'awnsers' to my own question waiting for her to say yes, she was getting my revenge for her trying to get revenge for the blondie comment. Karma bitch.

"Okay I give in please please tell me!"I shouted a bit to loudly.

"NEI! Faen Av!" Sbe shouted back.

Of course, Makayla knew how to say and spell some Norwegian words, not to mention so was getting better at it apparently considering she wanted to speak a different language and Norwegian was the closest to English.

After a couple minutes she seemed satisfied enough that she had annoyed me she whispered. "The shadow one is Great Keppel Island and the one infront of it I have no idea but those ones a the way out there," she pointed straight out infront of us between two really far Islands, one was further than the other but you had to spint to actually see it,"is where the cargo ships pass through, never knew their names but on your right over the bluff looks like the golf island in wii resort I swear but airial pohots show something completely different!" she explained while I took in the names of the islands.

It was getting more colder for longer for a couple days now as we were now in May, that didn't stop us from taking a dip-okay a plunge into the coldish water. All houses were all having unfiltered and disgusting water come out of the taps so we needed to have a rinse of in the ocean.

"Hey guys, I do know a house in town that runs off bore water but I don't know if that water is gona be clean as well." Jestski huffed out as we hiked back up the sandy beach.

"What the fuck is bore water?" Ace snorted.

"Bore water means you use water from under the ground, Ace." Aquila replied pointing down.

We walked for another few minutes back to the house Makayla was talking about and finally had a clean shower, we had been having 'showers' in the ocean.

I poked at the fire with the stick I had like I had been for the last half an hour, Makayla, Sky and Ivy had gone over an hour ago on a supply run. They were late. My walkie-talkie crackled to life and words streamed out of it.

"GET THE STUPID FRICKING! AHH YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" Ivy screamed over the walkie-talkie. "Ivy must mean the spike strip!" Aquila shouted. We had found one of those spike strip's the police used when trying to pop a cars tyre's in our police station in town, we'd taken it and had hidden it off to the side of the road around the turn-off to the main road into town. We sirously need other vehicles than cars, sure they had enough room and speed but they were so loud and big- I would have to ask Makayla if she knew any places for smaller vehicles. The deserted road make it easier to reach them faster even with higher speeds, the strip was hidden behind a huge gumtree with a fallen branch over it. I threw the branch away careless of the green ants it was riddled with and threw it as far as I could across the road, Makayla's car appeared and she sweared into the side road to Thompson's point driving until the car wouldn't be seen.

Aquila sprinted to the otherside and straightend out the strip before we chucked numerous dead branches and all of the types of a stuff you'd find on a road after its been deserted. A team of two quads with what looked to be like mounted guns came flying around the bend and booked it straight for our trap. Makayla had the gun with the scope on it and lined up their tyres, she pulled the trigger and with a loud pop the bullet flew straight into their tire. BOOOMMM! The sound echoed around the road like a concert band being amplified by thousands of speakers as the fisrt car ran over the spike strip and the second fishtailed into it from the force of M'ster's shot to their tyre.They yelled something in Russian before shouting "Arams Battilon" in English. My god people could sprint like the wind if they thought they were in danger. NEVER FUCKING AGAIN!" I shouted before takling Makayla with a hug, I don't normally hug my bestie but she deserved it after nearly scaring me. She returned the bone crushing hug and we moved on to hung another person from the group. Ivy particularly took longer to let me go.

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