On The Run

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Makayla's POV:

The road wasn't lit up at all due to the power outages.

However the entrance and exit to the little town we were using to bypass the Russian roadblock on the main highway were lit up like it was a prison, I was going to have to gun it. And we'd only have one shot.

"One shot....Lets make it count." I whispered.

As soon as I turned the car on in the dead middle of the still night, soilders would spawn like creepers.

"Gun it!" Sky hissed.

I turned the engine on and put pedal to the floor, unaware of what speed I was doing I flew past the big portable lights used when roadworks construction was on.

Over the sound of the engine I heard noises of what I could only assume was soilder waking up and heading to their positions. And a whole shit ton of gunshots.

An all too farmilar boom sounded and whilest I ducked I did not refrain form 'pedal to the medal'. Pushing the pedal even further down. The car gave a quick jolt and we flored it out of there, leaving the lights behind like they were tortoises.

"WOW! WHOA!! Fuck me..... MAN! THAT WAS FUCKING AWSOME!" Sky shouted almost defeaning me and whistled.

"FUCK YEAH! But! Let's not do that agian until we have to..... Unfortunately, on the way back." I shouted, hyped up on adrenalin and nerves.

We drove for the rest of the night in silence. We didn't dare drive in the day where it might be safer to see but at night time barely anyone would be awake let alone put on the road. Especially at the times we were. Three days or should I rather say nights it took us to reach Brisbane in a car.

"Let's hope they belive that I'm old enough to drive. And so farmy previous experience and driving through a warzone shows it." I said as we began to drive through the much bussier streets of the inner Brisbane area.

I was toatally freaking out, one way because I was going to get pulled over by police. Just by looking at me they cpuld arrest me. Or take us in as refugees. Other kids in the group we hang out with at lunches have called me grade seven- even with my senoir shirts and jersey on.

We arrived at the caravan park we had been planing on staying at for our trip.

"I know, a lot less nicer than a hotel but it's something easier to stay at than a hotel with possibilities of being spotted. Not only by Russians." I whispered as we hauled out our stuff from the boot and set up for the night.

"I'm sure the Teacher or person this car belongs to will skin you alive if they find out you driven it through a warzone." Sky whispered.

"I'm sure they'd be more worried about themselves being alive, then us after what you just said." I counter, grabbing our sleeping bags from the backseat.

Other than a couple of odd looks here and there no one really paid us any attention which I was greatfull for. They most likely thought we came from a little bit down south as Brissi was the Southeast Queensland city in Queensland you could go.

"Alright. Tents up and beds are set, now we just need to find a way to look like we're on holiday. During an invasion war. Not a hard task." Sky said quietly as she sat down next to me.

"Well if you put it that way than were definitely caught!" I said and she wacked my arm, "Ow! Anyways I say we save as much money as we can, try not to use it all and never go anywhere without eachother outside this park. Who knows what the Russians could be planning for us..." I trailed off not wanting to think about that agian, I shivered at the memory of those rocket launchers.

Little did I know it wasn't only the Russians we'd have to look out for.

Today was our first actual day here and we wanted to fit in the best we could so to much of our disgust we went shopping.

I tried on a leather jacket that looked almost like the one I wanted and it seemed to fit perfectly, the only thing that wasn't perfect was the price tag. Fifty dollars, we checked that shop off on the expensive list and headed for EB games and Zing to find something better to entertain us.

I almost collapsed when I saw it.

There, on the shelves of rhe book store was the rest of the books to the Shadow and Bone series I hade been waiting to get my hands on. My shopping privileges were being revoked. I bought one of each duology.

Sky was not impressed but she was also grinning amused at my obsession. I just happend to glsnce into her bag and see some too hidden quiclky inder some other things. We sat down in the busiest foot court ever and it wasn't even lunchtime yet, I really was looking forward to junk food again. "I'd say we go with the non healthy option because we've been eating like we're trying to survive, which we are but right now I need something fast food and something that will fill my guts!" Sky hissed from across the two seater table as people were sitting around us. "I'm craving Chinese!" I mussed and before I could say anything, even blink she was in that line. "What the fuck? Huh, she must be that hungry she'll eat anything. Hey, eventhough I remember mum saying Chinese food is filling, as in it can fill your bellyrealy quiclky and your full!" I thought as I stared aimlessly around the food court.

I checked to see where Sky was in the line and when I found her ordering I turned back around to watch the kids on the miny playground inside the food court when I caught a glimpse of some people with shirts that rather looked like those refugee helpers or children refugee carers. I glanced back to see them still glancing and occasionally starting my way, I pulled out my phone and pretended to be reading the news about what was happening up north while I was actually looking to see if I could find any updates about our town and what was going on while I watched them out of my pereferal vision. They sat down a couple tables down and kept tabs on me while starting a convo. I was so tensed I didn't know until my shoulders dropped when Sky sat down, I imeaditly sent her a text about them and she gave me my food with wide eyes. "Find anything about what's happening in Bundaberg ? Mum and dad should be here soon" Sky questioned rather loudly and I suspected she was trying to convince them we were from a different town and that we were already refugee's here.

"Nah, it hasn't updated in a while. Is that, lemon chicken and that prok they make?" I played along, thought the question about the food was real. She nodded and I opened the container and started scoffing the contents without any further thought. The creepy watchers moved a table closser and three out of the six went to go get food, or what I suspected a better watching angle as I could see they were staring now out of the corner of my eye. "Come on! We gota move!" I hissed when the three got up and started very obviously approaching our table, I wasn't too woried about reacting with other people like we had been but I knew If we talked to them we would be coming back on this trip. Chucking the half filled food containers in my brand new military backpack along with my phone and the map we had been studying we got up and chucked our rubbish in the bin and walked off like we hadn't noticed their approach. I fought the urge to look back and picked up my walking pace as soon as we walked into the lunchtime traffic heading for the food court. We made it to the esclators before they caught up agian reunited as a group of six.

Pulling the straps as tight as they would go on my bag I prepared to run for it and I didn't want my bag bouncing around on my back and ass. They slowly moved closser and closer down the esclators closer to us while pushing throught the people also on board, the lead one on our esclator got within three people behind is before me and Sky started making our way through the line to the end of the esclators and the underground carpark automatic sliding doors. We reached the end and the two. That had mannaged to catch up and were right behind us shouted "Hey! Stop! We only want to talk to you!". And the woman shouted "Please, we just want to make sure you and your parents are okay! Can you tell us were your from!". "NOT happening!" I heard Sky snap beside me in a low whisper as we picked up our pace again through the crowd of people. "Ppfft! As If I'd tell you where I'm from!" I thought. "Sirously, how old do we look!" I demanded, not really asking the question. With one last glance back I put more force into my next step and propelled myself into a sprint. That wasn't going to last long enough.

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