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Cuddling against him, smelling his strong yet soft cologne. He was sleeping, and my eyes were locked to look at his resting face. It was so pretty. I slowly got myself away from him and got up, i felt thirsty and needed something to drink.

I went to the kitchen and took a glass from the top cabinet, i hated the fact how they were so awfully high up, because i infact was short, at least changbin was shorter than me tho- i thought. I filled the empty glass with water and jugged it down with no problem. I put the glass down as i felt two strong hands wrapping around my waist.

"Sungie.." I heard chan's raspy voice call my name.
"Yes? Channie" Immediately melting at the older.
"Why did you leave" He asked me
"Because- i was thirsty" i answered him and he only hummed along with a soft chuckle.
I turned around and looked slighly up at him. We stared at each others eyes, without even blinking. I was mesmerised by his looks because DAMN.

"Jisung." He said with almost a dominant voice.
"Y-yes?" I snapped out of it, and focused on what he was gonna say, instead of looking at his handsome features.
"I want cuddles." He put his head to rest on my shoulder and i smiled.
"Sure, come on you big baby" I said and dragged him along to the bedroom.

We got back to the bed and i was little spooning him. I snuggles myself as close as possible so i could feel warm.

"Han jisung- if you don't stop moving right now-" Chan said and i let out a little giggle.
"Sorry sorry" I apologised and tried to relax.

Not even a minute later, i found myself moving against chan to find a better position to be in.

🔞 (dont read if not comfortable)

"Jisung." He grabbed my waist and stopped me from moving so much.
"Sorry-" but my apology was way too late as i felt something poking me.
"You caused this problem so might as well fix it" He moved his hands on my ass and squeezed it a little and i let out a pathetic whimper.

He then came on top of me, and started unbuttoning my night shirt, and when he took it off it left me to have only boxers on.
"You're so beautiful" He told me and i blushed harshly at his praises.

He then attacked my neck, leaving hickeys all around it as i slightly moaned and whimpered at the action. He went down to my collarbone and from there to my abs. Soft whimpers left my mouth when he sucked on my sweet spots.
He finally came up to me again and started kissing me gently yet passionately. Our lips moving in a perfect rhythm. He bit my lower lip and moaned at the action, making him take the shot and slip his tongue into my mouth.

His big hands were gently roaming around my body and my hands on his body. His hands finally placing themselves on my hips as he gently placed me on his lap and started moving me slightly. I slightly moaned when he started the sudden action, breaking the kiss we had. I put my arms around his neck as he moved me around on his lap making me moan and soft groans leaving his mouth.

He laid me back down but i wasn't facing him, my head resting on the pillow as he moved my hips upwards. I felt him slightly slip off my last piece of clothing leaving me completely naked. I buried my head into the pillow as i felt embarrassed of being naked in front of him.

"Don't hide yourself sungie, your beautiful." He told me and i felt my cheeks heat up once again.

He started kissing, biting and sucking on my butt cheeks, as i moaned at the touch and affection. I felt him go closer to the rim of it and he suddenly pushed his tongue inside, starting to eat me out as i moaned and whimpered at the action.

His big hand grabbed my already pre-cummed dick and started stroking it making me feel like the luckiest person ever.
"C-chan~.." I moaned his name as he pumped it in a slow pace.
"You like that huh?" He whispered in my ear and the only thing i could do in return was moan to his touch.

He then stopped touching me, and i whined a little of it. I heard as he opened a bottle and not a minute after i felt his dick against the entress.
"May i?" He asked for permission.
I only manage to simply nod and i felt him enter me as a let out a pathetic moan of the stretch. He didn't move, letting me to adjust to the size. After a few seconds i nodded again to give him a sign to move.

He started slowly thrusting in and out making me moan and whimper at the feeling. I let out muffled moans as he pounded into me in a slow yet hard pace.

"F-faster" i grabbed the pillow burying my face into it again, when he fastened his pace making me cry out some of my moans. Chan let out soft groans as he pumped in and out.

He then stopped making me whine a little and he turned me around, me now facing him. He thrusted back in keepin the fast and hard pace. I grabbed his shoulder as i moaned loudly his name.

He stopped again and i frowned, until he lifted my legs on his shoulders and he grabbed my hands pinning them down against the bed. He started thrusting once again hitting straight to my prostate, making arch my back and roll my eyes out of satisfaction.

"C-chan" i moaned his name out loudly as he abused the hell out of my prostate.
"Your doing so good baby" he whispered to my ear.
"S-so close.." i tried to say, but my moans were making it almost impossible.

As i said the two words chan fastened his pace once more, abusing my prostate even more. I felt something inside my tummy knowing i was close to releasing.

"I- i'm g-gonna.." i stuttered out, moaning as i felt myself release on myself and chan.

He kept thrusting in me until finished himself. Hearing a soft groan out if his mouth as he released inside of me.
❓Random ship was: Chansung❓
Hopefully you enjoyed 💀

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