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The second maknae gets brought down by the dance instructor and vocal coach which the second oldest member takes action to comfort the younger.
(Seungmin's pov)

Me and the members were at the dance studio to perfect out our newest choreography with the dance instructor.
If Minho was bad then the instructor was a monster..
We all disliked him.

We were dancing to the song until the instructor stopped us and started pointing out mistakes.
Today was definitely my lucky day.

"Seungmin, this part has to be the easiest and you still manage to fuck it up every single fucking time! Start over alone."
The instructor yelled at me which annoyed me to the point where i wanted to just punch him.

I started dancing the choreo on my own to the music on the background until i was being stopped again.

"What the fuck are you doing?? Oh my god.. how can you even be an idol with these dancing skills"
My blood boiled at his words and i clunched my fists.
"Start all over again" He said, and made me go again.

After 2 more tries he finally gave up on me.
"Gosh!! I give up!! You're fucking helpless. Goodbye" the instructor left the studio and left us stunned at his words.

"Dont let his words get to you Minnie" Felix smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.
"I wont, he's so stupid i wanna punch him" i rolled my eyes.

/vocal practice/

I was clearly more annoyed after getting scolded from the dance instructor.

"Hey Hyung, i can see his words got to you, but really he is just like that to everyone" Jeongin sat beside me and took my hand.
"I know, I shouldn't let it bother but i can't help it." I sighed.
"I know Minnie, but me and the other members thought you did good today. You're clearly talented" Innie complimented me and it made me feel slightly better and more confident about myself.
"Thanks Innie" i gave him a small smile before our vocal coach walked into the room.

We started by basic warming ups and the moved to the song itself.

"Okay! So Jeongin why don't you start" The vocal coach asked and the maknae nodded and started singing his part of the song effortlessly.
"Great! But just a tiny bit more confidence in there and you'll be fine" The vocal coach said and Jeongin nodded trying again.
"Thats it, good job Jeongin, Minho why don't you try next?" Minho nodded and started singing his part, it was pretty hard part for him since it was in English but he aced it.
"Okay good job Minho, now lastly Seungmin! Go on" I nodded and started singing effortlessly at first but suddenly i got a uncalled voice crack.
"Dw about it, try again." Our coach said.
I sighed and tried again, my voice just had to betray me today, like my dancing..
"Look- Seungmin were about to record, so get it together" our coach said and i only nodded.

Once we started recording, i practiced before singing to the mic and my voice still betrayed me.
"Suck it up Seungmin you're gonna do fine just relax and dw about the mistakes now" The coach tried to cheer me up slightly.
I nodded and we started recording my part.
My part of the song was really high but i could usually do high parts..
The starting of my part went great, until i messed up again.
I was beyond annoyed at myself but i tried to relax and took a deep breath.
"Whats up with you today?" The coach sighed.
"Its ok Seungmin lets try again" Chan said and i nodded.
We tried again, and again.. and.. again.
"Gosh! It can't be that hard, just fucking relax and do your part its not hard you can manage it!!" The coach yelled being frustrated at the fact that my voice kept betraying me.
"I'm sorry.." I started fidgeting my fingers nervously.
"Hey don't worry Min! Lets try one again" Chan said with a sweet tone of voice trying to comfort me.

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