💋Kiss me more💋

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A/N- idk whats the name for Minho and Innie so.... BUT this is Minho and Innie. Anyway. This was a request, who i do not remember but maybe they do so yes.😃😃 ITS short. Im being a lazy ass 😝😝

💋 = Spicy


Minho tried making Jisung jealous by using Jeongin but ends up falling for the maknae instead...

—————[Minho's pov]—————

I had a big fat crush on my bff. I think. I mean i felt something but i had no idea what it was. But the thing was.. Jisung had not given me any attention lately and it's like i don't exist? He keeps hanging out with Felix and Hyunjin, whats wrong with me? Why doesn't he hang out with me?? Staring at him behind my phone certainly doesn't do anything about this situation. So i decided to come up with a plan.
A plan how to fix that, i knew Jisung had as bad jealousy problems as i do. (Yes i a knowledge of that) and so i decided to make him very jealous using the power of my flirtyness and the innocence of our groups cute maknae.

"Yah Jeongin-ah" I called out while being on my phone. The maknae quickly walked up to me with a smile. He was so cute and fluffy. I sometimes wonder how he can be such a cutie. What?

"Yes hyungie?" He asked and i put my phone away locking eyes with him. Now i also noticed how pretty they were, wtf am i thinking? You're making Jisung jealous so stop thinking of Jeongin's pretty eyes...

"Watch anime with me." I demanded and he was a but confused. I mean i would be too, i only watch anime with Jisung, i knew this would be the key to make him extra jealous. Or so i thought at least-

"Why-?" He asked with a curious tone of voice and sat next to me on the couch.

"Because, i want to hang with you." I smiled and wrapped and arm around his waist. Its like my hand was meant to sit there, on Jisungs waist ofc...

"You're being so weird, but okay." He chuckled and i felt myself smiling at his laughter. He had such cute dimples that showed up as he smiled or laughed.

"Yah im not weird. You are" I rolled my eyes and put naruto on, which i knew Jisung loved very much. He was gonna be fuming.

"Whats the real reason you wanna watch this with me and not Jisung? Are you two fighting?" The maknae kept asking me and looked at me instead of the screen. I looked back at him and UGH how can someone- look- so cute? I knew our maknae has always been so cute but wtf. Whats so different now.

"I just- uh" I was lost, i didn't even wanna reply to that.

"You're making him jealous?" Jeongin asked and i nodded slowly.
"Well this isn't gonna help." He chuckled and put the tv shut.
"Once he walks in, kiss me like your heart depends on it" The maknae smirked and i was surprised, maybe he was not as innocent as we others thought. But the idea of kissing Jeongin honestly wasn't that bad.

"Okay-" I pulled Jeongin close already. I heard the keys and the front door opening and i kissed Jeongin immediately knowing who came in.

Jeongin's lips were soft and he was- definitely a good kisser. I thought he was so innocent but i guess not. I felt butterflies creeping to my stomach and i couldn't ignore it, wtf was going on?

I opened one eye to see Jisung having a bored look on his face and i knew this worked. He quickly left the room and banged the door shut.

Jeongin was about to pull away but i pulled him back.
"Don't stop" i quickly told him and he looked confused.

"What- it worked didn't it?" He asked and i nodded.

"Very much but.. now i don't even care about that anymore." I just told him and he looked so confused.
I sighed and pulled him on my lap.
"I felt something- when we kissed. Something strange, idk if i even feel it when i hang out with Jisung, maybe i was wrong?" I tried explaining, tbh it was confusing for me too but i wanted Jeongin to kiss me more.

"I'm glad you decided not to use me to get him" he smiled and kissed me again and i melted in right away. His soft plumpy lips were perfect and i never knew i had longed for this so much.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and played with my hair as our kiss turned into a heated makeout session.

I pulled away after a while to catch my breath.
"God, Jeongin what are you doing to me?"
I chuckled.

"Well i made you realise who you actually like, you should stop denying it now" Jeongin looked into my eyes and i smiled.

"I suppose i should hm." I leaned my head into his neck and kisses it softly.

"Hyung, i love you yk. I always have." He confessed and i felt my heart flutter.

"I love you too, i'm sorry for not realising it." I held him close and he kissed my cheek.

"It's ok, sometimes it takes time maybe even a kiss to realise." He explained and i nodded agreeing.

"Sooo, can we still watch something?" I asked and pulled away from his neck to look at him. He chuckled softly and nodded.

"Sure, anything you want hyung."

A/N- man idk what this is, istg it felt super rushed 😪😪 even tho i took my sweet time

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