❓freezing meeting❓

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I couldn't breath. It hurt so deeply. I ran fast as the wind blew on my face, the snowflakes rushing through the air, dark black night only for small lights on the side of the road to light it up.

I kept running till i didn't even know where i was.
I fell on the cold snow, letting it soak my clothes as i cried. My body shivered to the cold and i had energy to get up anymore. I was ready to die in the cold winter breeze.

"Are you alright..?"
I heard a soft voice ask, i looked up to see a young beautiful boy.
He sure was handsome.

I sat up and sighed at that. I wiped my tears.
"No, not really."

He sat down next to me and smiled a cute smile which showed his adorable dimples.
"what happened? I'll listen"
He softly answered me.

I ended up telling about how i ran from away from my current relationship because of how toxic it was. I sobbed softly and i told him all about it and he just nodded and listened me.
He made me feel safe.

"Come, you can stay at mine for a while if you need to.?" He suggested and i eventually agreed. The boy seemed nice so i had nothing against it.

He helped me up and walked me to his place. On the way to his, he told me his name was Jeongin and lived alone. When we arrived i thought that his house was warm and cozy like he was.
He showed me the room i'd stay in, and lent me a bunch of clothes of his to wear.

He left me alone to make myself at home and i changed into some clothes he gave me.
He smelled good, i must admit.

After a while, he called me downstairs to eat.

There was something off about this guy tho.

We ate in complete silence. He only stared down at the table and ate quietly. And so did i...
After we finished our food, he took our plates to the dishwasher.

"Thanks for the food." I said politely. He cooked good food. Total husband material if i must say. I headed to my room to sleep, since i was getting tired. It had been a long day and i was so ready to sleep. I laid down and it didn't take long for me to be soon asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt.. like there was another presence in this room.

I was not alone.



staring at me.

I felt shivers go down my spine but i closed my eyes to pretend to be asleep, maybe it was a crazy seriel killer or my crazy ex who had followed me all the way here and broke into Jeongin's house.
I figured that if i didn't move maybe i'd even survive.

Eventually i managed to fall back asleep.

Days flew by, i only had a wink of sleep every night because i kept feeling as if somebody was watching me. Maybe i was going crazy and i started becoming paranoid because of all the trauma my ex had caused me.
But it kept me up and i don't know what to do.

I was having dinner with Jeongin and per usual, he was quiet and didn't talk at all. Today i decided to ask about it, if there was a certain reason he liked eating quietly.
I thought maybe it was because he wasn't used to somebody else eating with him.

After dinner, he put the dishes away and went on the couch to watch TV.
I walked up to him and quietly asked.
"Jeongin? Why do you always eat quietly?"
I didn't know what to expect as an answer but he didn't.
He just sat quietky without saying anything.
"Oh well- stupid question, some people like not talking when they eat.. uhm i'm gonna head to bed now"
I explained to him and turned away.

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