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A/N- This is my own experience in a friend group of mine but as SKZ ver. Also its not exact copy from my life but like you get the idea... (Nothing against idols remember that this is only a fanfic.)

(There will be a ship in the end, which is JeongJin or HyunIn however yall like to call that, but its Jeongin and Hyunjin)

(Side Characters are Felix, Jisung and Seungmin and im sorry for making them the bad guys in this book lol💔💔💔)

————|[Jeongin's Pov]|————

"hey!! Are you guys making plans after graduation?" I walked up to my friends who seemed to be having a conversation about something.

"Erm, no. I think i'm just gonna go home" Seungmin shrugged and looked at his phone. I turned to look at Jisung and Felix who both shook their heads.

"Oh okay." I nodded. Ofc i understood if they didn't wanna go outside, they were my friends afterall and it's not like we need to party every time something exciting happens.


"Ugh school food is literally so disgusting." Jisung whined and i chuckled, i agreed with him.

"Aish i need a red bull.." Seungmin sighed as well and picked his food.

"I mean theres a store next to our school why not." Felix suggested. I never liked leaving school property and i thought it was wrong but it was something my friends did pretty often.

"I don't think thats a good idea.." I mumbled but i think they didn't hear it as they just got up and left, leaving me there to sit alone.
I shrugged it off, they did this quite often.

————|[After school]|————

"Felix, do you think you can come with me to the mall, i kind of wanna try the face cream you had once but idk where to get it-" I asked Felix who just sighed heavily.

"No, i have plans already. Just use google maps or something idk." Felix explained and i nodded, i mean why didn't i just do that..

"Well- Jisu-" I was about to ask but he was already nowhere to be seen. I sighed softly and left alone.


I walked to the mall from my school and started looking around for a cosmetic store.
I heard my phone go off with a notification and i looked at it. Felix had added something to his snap story.
I opened it to see him hanging out with Jisung and Seungmin.
"Oh" i softly said to myself.
Maybe it wasn't planned that i was not there, i mean i did say i was going to the mall but why didn't they invite me too...

————|[Day of graduation]|————

"Let's take a picture!" Felix smiled widely and took his phone out and we posed all together while he took the photo.
"Omg it's so cute" he said and i took a peak from behind him.
It was indeed cute photo, of Jisung, Him and Seungmin. I was cropped out.
"I'm gonna post this to instagram."

"Ooo i bet it will get lots of likes, i mean we look so good." Jisung beamed and Seungmin agreed
"Heck yeah we will."

I felt myself fall quiet, maybe he didn't notice or, maybe he was zoomed in and i just didn't notice myself there...
I picked my fingers while the other three laughed at their inside jokes which i never really understood.

"Yah, Jeongin, you ok?" Seungmin asked and i smiled.

"Uh yeah" I stopped picking my fingers and noticed Seungmin roll his eyes. He did that alot even if he didn't mean it so i never minded it.

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