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A/N- 💋 = spicy. (Mostly just bc of pet names)
Also this is a request of Minho x Skz.
So the requester didnt give me any plot ideas so... i made my own i hope you like it. It was something i never write usually so yuh

/Minho's pov/

"Morning doll." I heard the second i woke up.

"Morning d-daddy." I tried rubbing my eyes, but realised that my hands were still cuffed to the bed.
"Can you take them off.. please?"

"Sure dear, since you've been good lately" Chan answered with a smile and took the hand cuffs off.
"Join us for breakfast when you're ready" He said and kissed me on the cheek and then leaving.

I got up and got myself dressed just how masters like. Baby pink was definitely my color.

I glanced myself at the mirror giving myself a smile and then heading downstairs.

"Hey gorgeous" Chan's compliment made me smile.

"Hi" I walked up to him and he placed his hands on my waist kissed me.
"Where the others?" I asked looking around.

"Work, dear. They'll be back soon before you know it. Eat up doll" He sat me down at the table and gave me a plate with pancakes he had made.

"Don't try any funny business. I'll be right back." Chan warned and he left the room.
When i still didn't know how to obey the rules, i would do stupid things. I'm glad i learned, everythings so much better when I'm obeying.

I started eating the pancakes and waited till Chan came back. Sometimes they would test me and leave me to the room without cuffing me, probably trying to see if i would escape. Of course ive already tried, but i learned to love the life i have now. No one at home would even miss me so i was gladly away from them.

"Whats on your mind, sweetie?" Chan loved calling me nicknames. And i loved that too, the way it made me feel... i felt loved and cared for.

"Nothing daddy, can i watch tv?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure thing, you know the drill." He said.

"Yes i know, no funny business." I got up from the table and hugged Chan.

"Yeah exactly." He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you" I smiled back and went to the living room to watch tv. I turned it on to see news and what was going on in the world.

"Breaking news..." The women on the tv started explaining about some politics in America. None of that interested me, but something hit me like a brick.
"The boys parents are still looking for their son. He went missing already a year ago today. The police will be opening the case again."
I shut the tv as quickly as possible.

"What were you watching kitty?" I heard Hyunjins voice.

"Just news.. but it didn't interest me so i decided to do something else" I got up from the couch and turned to Hyunjin.

"I know what you saw." He crossed his arms.

I looked down at the floor.
"I didn't want to see, i shut it down..." I mumbled and Hyunjin walked up to me.

"I know, kitty. How do you feel about it?" He pulled me close into his embrace.

"I- just confused, and scared.. Hyung i don't want them to find me. I love you guys and- i don't want them to take me away" I teared up and held onto Hyunjin tightly.

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