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Helloo, i know this isnt a place to vent LOL but i need advice and idk i had really no one to talk about this thing.

If you don't wanna read its fine but theres no TW really, just me talking about my friendship issues

But i feel like an outsider in my friend group yk.
And i feel like i don't even like my friends anymore which scares the total shit out of me... bc the only thing ive ever wanted is friends but idk if they are good friends? I mean that sounds prolly crazy idk.

Its just i don't know what to do. I might hate one of my friends for idk what reason and i wish i didn't but i cant help but not like them. Their so mean to me but i know its as a joke and i jokingly am mean to them too-

I feel like my friends make me feel like an outsider for an reason too, sometimes i feel like their comments are forwarded to me even if its not i just cant help but be paranoid. Im insecure and i know that, they made it also very clear.

I know its fucked up but last year i checked one of my friends phone between her other friends seeing if they talked behind my back just bc i was so insecure about myself. I have trust issues i guess thats my problem.
Ive also had trouble with friends in the past too so im scared and now i dont know what to do.
I also feel like i have the need to change myself so people would like me.. but inside im just the same old me, loud, i make stupid comments and people dont get my jokes.
Im so confused on why i feel like that.

Do you guys have any advice???:((

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