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A/N- very short story ahead.

[Authors pov]

"Guys have you seen Jisung? He wasn't at the dorms today i assumed he would be with you guys" Minho asked his friends who seemeed concerned for the older.

"Minho- is everything ok, i mean are you?" Chan asked and Minho looked confused.

"Why i'm great, thanks for asking" Minho smiled.
"Look i gotta run, but tell me if you see Hannie. I have a surprise for him" He giggled softly and left.

Later on Minho tried looking for his beloved roommate and boyfriend everywhere but still couldn't find him. It was like his lover had just vanished into thin air.

"Hey, any luck on seeing Ji?" Minho asked over the phone.
"No?... oh okay" He hung up and frowned.

"Minho you need to stop" Hyunjin sighed heavily very concerned for his hyung.

"No i wont stop looking for him.. what if he got hurt?" Minho sat down clearly frustrated.

"Minho.." Seungmin sat down next to him and run a hand on his back.
"He isn't coming back. He never will be again."

"N-no he is, he just- went to see his family.. thats what he told me.." Minho looked at the concerned friends of his.

"Hyung. Jisung is gone for good, and i know thats not what you wanna hear and you keep blocking it out but he is gone and he isnt coming back." Felix explained and Minho got up quickly.

"No! He just-" Minho started to tear up and panic. He knew the truth would be the end of him. It hurt too much to process.

"Oh minho" Chan pulled the younger close and let the boy sob into his chest.
"I'm sorry."

"Why.. why would he leave me..?" Minho sobbed and it was a sight his friends never had seen before, a sight that hurt them alot.

"It was not his decision to make. Sometimes life isnt fair." Chan whispered and rubbed Minhos back.
"But one thing i know for sure, he loved you and doesn't want you to pretend like it didn't happen okay? He would want you to be happy."

"How can i happy, when the only reason i was is dead."

/i honestly dont even know what this is but i got bored and had this random scene so 🥹

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