💋Escape From LA💋

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A/N- So this was a request of 2min and as i said before 💋 means spicy, so there wont be actual smut. I'll have to keep you waiting on real smut IM SORRY, you'll get it eventually. Just not yet. Im a teaser~


[Seungmin's pov]

I walked into the dance practice room, already drained even tho the training didn't even start yet.
"Hey guys"
I greeted everyone who had already arrived. Weirdly enough our strict teacher was still nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Minho?" I asked and Felix shrugged.

"Haven't seen him." Hyunjin also shrugged. The two were already stretching.

"Oh, thats weird." I put my bag down and joined the two on the floor.

"Maybe he overslept" Jisung ran from the couch to join us as well.

"Minho oversleeping? Never in a billion years that would happen" i chuckled lowly and Hyunjin agreed with me.

"He is the most morning person i know, along with Felix." Hyunjin shook his head.

"Oh yeah, me and Minho are always first awake out of us all." Felix agreed as well.

"Okay, well does anyone has a better idea?? Hmm i thought i seemed logic enough. I couldve said that 'oh maybe minho hyung got into a car accident'" Jisung rolled his eyes at us and stretched his back.

"just shut up Ji." Hyunjin sighed heavily.

The door then opened and it revealed Changbin and Chan.
"Oh, Minho's not here?" Chan walked in and sat on the couch.

"We were just talking about that." Felix explained.
"None of us has seen him all morning."

"well the weather wasnt too good out there so maybe he is running a bit late, traffic or driver being careful." Chan suggested and it seemed like a good explanation.

We waited a few minutes until the door finally opened again to reveal Minho who seemed not too good.

"Oh there you are, what took so long?" Chan asked Minho who put his bags down with a sigh.

"I overslept." He told and half of us gasped while Han jumped up and down. "HAH i knew it, yall suck"

"Shut up Jisung. Lets get to positions please." Minho seemed rather irritated and i frowned at the way how he talked to Jisung. It was a bit unusual for him to talk like that.

We got into our positions and Minho started the music. I knew i wasn't in the right place to judge because i wasn't a perfect dancer but something about Minhos dancing today was off.
Maybe he was just tired like the rest of us.

Minho stopped us a couple of times to correct some movements but other than that practice went fine. When we perfected it he gave us a break.
I went to grab something to drink and grabbed a bottle for Minho as well.
I offered it to him.

"No thanks." He shook his head and i frowned.

"Are you okay?" I put the bottles away and tried to see if he was warm but he slapped my hand away.

"Seung, i'm fine." He moved away from me and i blinked confused at how the older had acted towards me.

We continued practicing and he didn't let us off easy like usual. He corrected me in few steps and the others for some other movements. Dance practice was sometimes hell even tho i knew this would be all worth it in the end.

"okay you're free to go home if you want." Minho dismissed us and went to sit down and stretch.

"Bye Hyung!!" Jeongin smiled widely and left and i smiled back.

"Ji, bin? Studio?" Chan asked the two who agreed immediately. I watched as the members left one by one but Minho stayed.

I went to sit next to him.
"Minho hyung?" I called out and he looked at me.

"Yes Seungie" He asked and stared at me with a blank face.

"talk to me, whats up. Are you sick? I noticed your movements being kind of off today- and you didn't even late me test if you felt warm." I asked frantically wanting to know immediately if something was bothering him.

"Look dear, i'm just tired." Minho smiled at me but i still felt worried.

"Did i keep you up last night- is that why your so tired..?" I did indeed keep us both up a little last night. I was texting Minho out of pure boredom and i wanted his attention.
And i kept myself up- thinking of Minho... and something... else.

"No, baby don't blame yourself ok, i didn't even go to sleep after you stopped spamming me" Minho pulled me close and kissed my cheek.

"Why, what were you doing after that?" I snuggled close to him and Minho let out a low chuckle.

"You really wanna know hm?" He asked and i looked up to see him smirking.

"Hmm maybe i do." I smirked as well and Minho pulled me on his lap.

"I was thinking about you.." he started undoing my pants. "And got so hard thinking of your perfectly shaped butt" I blushed at his comment.
"And then i jerked off to the thought of fucking that perfect butt." Minho said shamelessly and i was already getting a bit excited to the thought of Minho jerking off just bc of me.

"You know, i was thinking of you too last night. Its why i disappeared. I couldn't help myself after all the praising and pet names." I shrugged and lifted Minho's shirt to feel his abs.

"Hm did you enjoy yourself?" He lifted his eyebrows with a knowing look and took my shirt off.

"I did but what i didn't know that thinking of you could get me so hard" I took off his shirt as well and he pulled me closer.

"Is that so?" He leaned closer and kissed my jaw. I leaned my head back to give the older access to my neck.

"Mhm.." I pulled away so he would stop kissing my neck.
"You're so eager to mark me arent you?" I asked him.

"I know, i can't" He pouted slightly and i kissed his pout after chuckling at his sudden cuteness.

"You can, just not somewhere people can see" i got up from his lap and took my pants off right in front of him.

"Fuck puppy, you look so sexy" His finger tips trailed on my hips and i felt shivers down my spine.

He got up and close to me. I looked in his eyes and saw pure hunger in them.
He moved closer and kissed me gently.

[Authors pov]

The two lovers small gentle turned into a makeout session.
Minho walked Seungmin to the practice rooms couch and pinned him down without breaking intimate kiss the two were sharing.
Seungmin moaned to Minhos sensual touches and harsh kisses.

"Fuck, baby ive missed this too much." Minho pulled away to look at the submissive one under him.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Seungmin smirked and pulled Minho back into a passionate kiss.

Minho started undoing his pants and taking them off, even when still not breaking the kiss.
The two were already half naked, touching each others bodies begging for some pleasure. Minho got himself between Seungmins legs and lightly grinded on Seungmin's crotch making the younger moan into the older mouth sensually.

Seungmin pulled away from the kiss and took his remaining piece of clothing off as Minho did the same.

They say dancing is no fun without stripping, certainly this dance had the strip part taken seriously.

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