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/TW: Edging, degrading, just kinky overall/

"Chan hyung.." Felix whined at his boyfriend who wasn't paying any attention to him due work.

"Felix, i said we can just in a few minutes" Chan said as he kept his focus on the computer.

"But i want now!" Felix whined more and it was getting on Chan's nerves.

Chan got up from his desk and grabbed Felix harshly from the wrist which the younger whined at.

"Since you little slut can't wait for daddy to finish up. I'll punish you until i am finished" Chan smirked and pulled out a pair of handcuffs under his bed.

"No Channie hyung please.." Felix pouted as the older started taking other toys out too.

"Shut up, and lay down hands above your head. Now." Chan demanded and since Felix didn't want no more trouble, he obeyd.

"Good boy" Chan smirked. "Since your already naked, cause you couldnt wait it makes everything so much easier" Chan thought out loud as he handcuffed the youngers hands on the bed.

"Please Channie hyung.. i just want you.." Felix whined.

"Nu uh, i'm daddy, not Channie Hyung" He put a gag on the youngers mouth.

"Fuck you look gorgeous like the little slut you are" Chan smiled and pulled out a cock ring and vibrator.

Felix's eyed widened at the cock ring and he started shaking his head not wanting it.

"Poor baby, but you've been a bad boy today.. so i have no other choice but to punish you." He said as he slid the cock ring on Felix's length.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy this as much as i will enjoy watching you suffer." Chan smiled as he lubed the vibrator.

Chan pushed the lubed vibrator into the younger who rolled their eyes of pleasure.

"Okay, i'll come back to you when i think you've been punished enough" Chan said and turned the vibrator on, it hitting straight onto Felix's prostate.

"Bye bye~" Chan said as he took his laptop and left the poor boy in the room alone.


The overstimulation felt absolutely horrible. Felix had a tear stained face as he squirmed and tried to get his hands free. His moans were muffled because of the gag in his mouth.

The door suddenly opened and Felix knew it was gonna be finally over, hours of overstimulation and dry cumin.

Chan closed the door behind him and walked to the bed, feeling proud of the sight in front of him.

"Hey baby boy.." He said and slightly stroked the youngers length which made him flinch due to it being so sensitive.

"I like this view, you being all vulnerable and not able to do anything." He smirked as he switched vibrator off.

"Do you wanna cum baby?" Chan asked and Felix nodded immediately.

Chan removed the gags from Felix's mouth and set his hands free.

"Now now, speak, slut what do you want" Chan asked as he hovered on top of the younger who looked absolutely fucked up.

"F-fuck me please.. i need you inside me Daddy.. I wanna cum so bad" Felix whined and looked at the older on top of him.

"Hm.. do you think you deserve it?" Chan asked.

"Y-yes please, i'm begging you.. i'll never be as impatient as i was today.. please let me cum" Felix pouted a little.

"Well you're lucky i love you" Chan said as he stripped in front of Felix and hovered on top of him again.

"Do you need any more prep?" Chan asked and Felix shook his head.

"Alright" He said and started lubing his length before pushing into Felix.

Felix gasped as he felt Chan's length inside of him. "Fuck Chan.."

"Shh felix, we don't want the others to hear now do we?" Chan smirked at the sight below him as he started thrusting into the younger.

Felix put a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from making noise, and let out muffled moans which was pure music to Chan's ears.

Chan leaned against Felix's neck and kissed, sucked and bit on it leaving marks to his sweet spots as he kept thrusting into the younger with a fast pace.

"P-please daddy.. need to cum.." Felix whined as he felt his release building up in his stomach.

"Nu uh, you won't cum till i say so." Chan said, putting a hand on Felix's dick and prevented him from his release by putting a thumb over the tip. "Do you understand?" Chan asked.

Felix nodded. "Words baby" Chan said as he fastened his pace and thrusted faster into the younger.

"Y-yes daddy.." Felix gasped as he felt Chan hit his prostate which the older smirked at. He kept pounding hard into that spot making Felix tear up from pleasure.

"Tsk you're such a slut for my dick aren't you?" Chan smirked when seeing Felix at this state.

"P-please let me cum.." Felix whined he felt overwhelmed and overstimulated.

"Cum for daddy, you little slut" Chan said as he removed his hand from the younger dick.

Felix arched his back as he finally came to his release, gasping as he felt it. Chan groaned and came into the younger as he felt his ass tighten around him.

"F-fuck" Felix sighed and Chan chuckled.

"Do you think you've been punished enough?" Chan asked and cupped the youngers face into his hands.

"I swear i'll never ever ever do that again" Felix said which made Chan laugh.

"Good boy, now come on lets get you cleaned up." Chan smiled as he pulled out of the younger and quickly replacing his dick with a plug.

"You're evil for not letting me cum earlier.." Felix pouted as he sat up with the older.

"You should have known what was coming for you when you didn't let me work in peace" Chan said as got up as well as picking Felix up.

"Maybe i should have.." Felix yawns.

"I love you" Chan kissed the youngers nose.
"I love you too Channie" Felix smiled and connected their lips once more.

/fun fact, someone requested ChanLix smut and i already had started writing is before the request came in 😭👍/

/Word count: 1034/

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