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TW: very cheesy and cringe and personally IDK HOW TO WRITE CUTE FLUFF :(

/Felix's pov/

This week had been awfully busy for us. We had either recording, dance practice or some kind of interview or photo shooting.
Ive never been so exhausted in my life.

"Okay from the top, i swear this is the last time and i'll let you guys go" Minho hyung told us and i just wanted to whine about how tired i was.

"Please guys? Just once, ace it and you'll get out." Minho sighed at the exhaustion of our group.

"But Minho hyung, my feet, my back, my everything hurts" i whined and he only gave me a glare.

"Positions everyone." He said and got into his. I sighed heavily and got into my position. When was this nightmare of a week going to end.

After we went the whole choreography, Minho finally let us go home. I couldn't wait to just sleep.

/Hyunjin's pov/

I kept noticing how exhausted my poor baby was. I knew he would be in need of some relaxing so i thought about an idea to cheer him up a little and let him relax.

"Lixie?" I catched up to the younger who was packing to leave.

"Yeah?" He smiled as brightly as ever.

"I know you're extremely exhausted and its been a hell of a week." I started and Felix looked at me confused.

"and?" He asked.

"And, i have something to cheer you up, but i want to prepare it first so you need to wait before you can come into our bedroom, pleaseeee" I pouted and he chuckled.

"As long as i can be in the living room?" He asked and i nodded.

"Lets get going, drivers waiting for us." I smiled stupidly to myself and walked Felix to the car.

We got into the car, which took us off to our dorms. I held Felix's hand the whole ride. I cant miss how tired he looked. I felt so bad. I sure hoped he would like what i had in mind.

It didn't take long for us to get to the dorms. I helped Felix out of the car.
"Can i carry my princess?" I asked and i saw how it affected Felix.

"S-sure" He said with a red flushed face.

I picked him up into my arms and took him up to our dorm. The other members probably gagged behind us for this but i could care less since their as gay as we are.

"Thank you Jinnie" Felix smiled as i put him down on our couch.

"No worries, i want to treat you." I smiled and took off his shoes taking them to the front door.
"Just stay here so the surprise wont be spoiled."
I giggled and ran off to our room.

It took a while but i now finished preparing for Felix's personal home spa. I was so excited to show this to him. I walked into the living room only to find my lover fast asleep.
I smiled to myself and walked up to him.

"Guess we'll have a spa tomorrow.. i'll make sure you get a day off." I kissed the top of his head and picked him up in bridal style, taking him to our bedroom and tucking him into bed.
I cleaned up the everything i prepared and then got myself ready for bed too.

I couldn't help but stare at the beauty of my boyfriend. I was the luckiest guy in the whole wide world.
Closing my eyes, it didn't take long for me to be in dream land as well.

Next day. . .

/Felix's pov/

I woke up only to realise i had fell asleep when Hyunjin was preparing my surprise. I felt bad for missing out on it.

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