💘Lose my breath💘

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A/N- the skz's new song got me into writing mood for somethingg like crushing 🥰 Do you like the new song?? Personally I FUCKING LOVE IT! And hearing the members who struggle with English singing pronouncing so good and all their improvement in all of their vocals makes me so proud like a mom even tho im so much younger than them 😌😌😌🔥🔥🔥🔥  and you all know how much i love minsung... so this is obvi gonna be a minsung story😌

Lee know has a big fat crush on someone he had just met. For his luck he was also going to be his roommate in the dorms.


[Minho's pov]

I walked into the practice room where i was about to meet my new members. I was very nervous to be meeting new people and honestly i was already thinking negative even tho i hadn't met anyone.
I locked eyes with someone blond who had curly hair. He didn't seem fully korean.

"Hello!" He greeted me and walked up to me.

"Erm hi" I responded and looked at him and noticed his nose, it was big but nicely shaped. His hair looked very fluffy and i wanted to touch it. Ofc i would never do that to a stranger.

"I'm Bang Chan, the leader, and you must be?" He asked and i hesitantly told him my name.

"Minho." I quietly said. I looked around to see a few others but certainly one interaction was more than enough.

"Don't be shy then Minho, we don't bite. Come on guys introduce yourselves to Minho" Chan smiled and pat my back. He was nice i guess.

Everyone told me their names and they seemed okay, nothing extreme. There were now seven of us, i wondered if there was still someone else that was coming.
Just as i was thinking of it, the door burst open and i locked eyes with someone... wtf. He had this dark brown hair and chubby cute cheeks. His style was cool and bold. I didn't even notice that i held my breath in until the guy talked to me.

"Yah, your turning violet, you ok??" He asked and i stopped holding my breath in.

"I'm good." I replied fast. He was stunning. I felt tense and i wanted to run away from this moment.

"Jisung your late." Chan walked over to the boy i had been drooling over just now. Now i knew his name.
And since our leader knows him... is he in our group too? Fuck.

"i'm sorry Hyung, my coffee spilled and i had to clean" He pouted and Chan chuckled at him.

I kept staring at the boy and i felt like my heart was pounding fast and loudly. Can they hear it..? Is my face red..? Now i cant stop thinking about how my whole life has been turned upside down. I always thought i was straight, now what? I'm definitely not being very straight right now.

"Ah so since we don't know all of us very well, i suppose we could play a few games to get to know each others" Chan smirked and i already knew i was going to hate it here. Why did i even come.

We played all the stupid games like truth or dare and shit like that. Two lies one truth or whatever it is called and tbh. It was fun... i got to know alot about Jisung. Now i knew he is a rapper and writes lyrics, he even showed how to freestyle and i was amazed. I was only good at dancing.
I think we clicked pretty well, tho this guy had something against everyone and everything. I understood that. I got to learn he is very feisty person.
He also picked up a fight couple of times with this Hyunjin guy. Idk whats their history.

"You should dance better." Hyunjin told him and he got very offended. I mean he wasn't the best dancer but we were only starting all of this so it was understandable...

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