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I just hit 12k reads?! 🫢🫢🫢

Thank you all for reading my cringey shit, im so thankful for every single one of you readers.

Thanks for everyone who has voted on this story too like wtf over 100 votes?

Thank you alll for commenting too and making requests, imm currently working on three requests i think... that will take some time for me to finish since imm also working on two different books at the same time.

And the fact that i still have the energy to focus on school is crazy.

Uhm can yall give me like comments here that what you think of my one shots, bc im always so nervous that its not good enough💀

Anyway i love you all so much<3 thanks for reads and votes and commentsss

Please do comment in the future too, i love to read comments :)

Sorry for yapping again, i always like to talk alot. Thats me. 😫😫😫

After this chapter, i'll stop writing for today and SLEEP its 3.14 am!

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