💔Echoes of his laughter💔

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A/N- this is very angsty😔😔  oh and its Hyunjin and Seungmin btw 

(authors pov)

The apartment echoed with silence, a chilling reminder of the void that now consumed the broken boy's world. Seungmin stood in the doorway of their shared apartment, the weight of grief pressing down upon him like a leaden blanket. The once vibrant space now felt hollow, filled only with the echoes of laughter and love that had once danced within its walls. Every corner held memories of Hyunjin, their happiness etched into the very fabric of their home.

Just that morning, Seungmin had stood by Hyunjin's graveside, the chill of the earth seeping into his bones as he watched the coffin being lowered into the ground. He had just returned from the funeral, his heart heavy with sorrow and disbelief. The image of Hyunjin lying in that casket, so still haunted Seungmin's every thought. How could someone so full of life be gone in an instant? The pain was suffocating, threatening to swallow him whole.

As he stepped further into the apartment, the photographs adorning the walls seemed to taunt him. Each captured moment was a cruel reminder of what he had lost. Their smiles, their embraces, their shared dreams – all now shattered by the cruel hand of fate. Frozen moments in time that mocked Seungmin with their presence. How could he bear to live in a world where Hyunjin no longer existed?

Seungmin's eyes fell upon the coffee table, where a single piece of paper lay waiting. It was Hyunjin's final words, a suicide letter that would forever haunt him. With trembling hands, he reached out and picked it up, his heart pounding in his chest. In the dim light of the apartment, Seungmin sank to the floor, his fingers tracing the edges of the letter. The words blurred through his tears, each line a jagged dagger tearing at his already fractured heart.

The memories came flooding back, unbidden and raw. He could hear the sirens wailing in the distance, the frantic voices of paramedics as they worked tirelessly to save the man he loved. But it was too late. Hyunjin was gone, leaving behind a void that Seungmin feared would never be filled.

Tears blurred his vision as he tried making sense of the letter, each word hit like a bullet to his fragile heart. Hyunjin's handwriting was shaky, the ink smudged from tears that had fallen like rain. In it, he poured out his pain and anguish, confessing the depths of his despair that Seungmin had never known. He felt guilty for never noticing just how much in pain his lover was. 

"I'm sorry," the words whispered, as if Hyunjin were standing before him, begging for forgiveness. But there was no forgiveness to be found, only an endless sea of sorrow stretching out before him. How could Seungmin forgive him when every beat of his heart now throbbed with the agony of loss?

Seungmin clutched the letter to his chest as he wept. The weight of his grief was unbearable, threatening to consume him entirely. How could he go on without Hyunjin by his side? How could he face a world that now seemed so cold and indifferent? 

 The late-night conversations whispered in the darkness, the warmth of Hyunjin's touch as they made love, the promises of a future that now lay shattered. The memories the two shared were shattering the younger's heart into small pieces, he felt lost. How could he face a world that had grown suddenly cold and empty?

Hours passed in a blur of grief and despair, the apartment cloaked in shadows as Seungmin sat alone with his pain. Outside, the city continued its relentless march, oblivious to the shattered soul within its midst.

As dawn broke, Seungmin found himself standing once more by the window, the first light of morning casting a gentle glow upon his tear-streaked face. In the quiet stillness of the apartment, he felt nothing but emptiness and sorrow.

Perhaps, in time, the echoes of Hyunjin's laughter would fade, replaced by the gentle hum of memories that no longer brought him pain. Perhaps, in time, Seungmin would find a way to live again, to honor the love they had shared in a world that now seemed so cruel and indifferent. But for now, in this moment of raw and unrelenting sorrow, all Seungmin could do was cling to the memories of the boy he had loved and lost, his heart aching with the weight of a grief that would never truly heal.

/this was so hard to write, like i did research for words bro....... like long ass research bc i wanted to have more emotions and so i didnt know how to do that and so i needed more synonyms and here we are fucking finally.... im sorry for making a sad angsty shit btw 😔😔😔 ily. i cried while making this ahhhahahaha/

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