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(Since we all love smut🩷)

/Felix's pov:/

I was in my room playing games, i didn't even realise someone coming in until, i felt hands wrap around my neck.

"Hey baby" a voice i could never forget said.

"Hey" i said with a low voice while trying to concentrate on the game.

As i didn't give my full attention to the older, i knew he would get slightly mad about it. Suddenly the chair turned around harshly as Changbin knelt down before me and started undying my belt.

"h-hyung.." i quickly muted my mic. "im on a call!" I whined as he was removing my pants.

"hm i guess you have to be quiet then?" he smirks and looks up at me.

"i- suppose.. b-but my game.." i pout slightly and the older chuckles at it.

"dont worry, you can continue your game as long as i get to fuck you while you play." he smiles like he said nothing sinful.

"wh- fuck me while i play??? Changbin, idk.." I was suddenly shushed by a kiss to my lips which i leaned into quickly. "fine.."


I was laying on my stomach on my bed, facing the screen. "uhmm new game guys" I said to Han, and Hyunjin on the other side of the line.

i felt two hands grabbing my hips and holding them up, it didn't take longer than 2 seconds to feel something inside of me. I tried to hold back my gasp but failed and the two boys on the other side of the call were confused and almost worried about the gasp.
'you ok Felix?'
'what was that'
Hyunjin and Han asked and i chuckled slightly trying to cover.
"Ah nothing nothing, just almost died" I tried to make a lie for it, and gladly they didn't question further.

I felt Changbin starting to thrust into me slowly, and the sensation almost made my legs shake. I put my mouth into a thin line to prevent myself from making noise.

'OMG OMGG OMGG HELP IM GONNA DIE SOMEONES ATTACKING ME!!' Han acreamed loudly through his mic and made my ear drums bust.

Changbin was slightly grunting but my mic couldnt catch it up, which i was glad about. "I-im coming" i answered while trying to hold the moans and whimpers inside of my mouth as Changbin started thrusting faster.

"Thanks Felix- bro istg im so bad at this game" Han whines and Hyunjin laughs. I'm quiet as i'm trying my hardest not to full on moan to the mic.

"Omg, were the last people, we can do it" Hyunjin says excitedly on the other side of the line.
"Fuck yeah" Han agrees.

I felt Changbin faster his pace more rapid, i wanted to scream (and cream) to the mic as loudly as ever but, i couldn't do that.. embarrassing..

"C-changbin" I mumbled slightly but it didnt go unheard by my fellow team players.

"Is changbin with you Felix??" Hyunjin sounds surprised.
"DUDE THATS WHY- omgg" Han starts laughing.
"THATS WHY HE IS SO DAMN QUIET, can't speak openly when your crush is in the same room right?" Han chuckles and Hyunjin just goes 'OHH' after realising what Han is trying to say.

"U-uhm ye.. he is.. here too.." i speak quietly while the feeling of Changbin's hard member hitting my tight walls makes me want to whimper and moan.

I feel as Changbin's pace starts fastering and getting more rough with me, as if he wants me to humiliate myself in a class with my friends.. tho its exactly what happened.
I moaned out loud and covered my mouth right after realising what ive done it.

"WOAH FELIX, i see Changbin is with you-..... but yall gotta chill.." Han says and Hyunjin laughs.
"I knew there was something off about you during this game, holy shi- go enjoy ur fuck" Hyunjin laughs with Han as i felt my face grow redder every second.

I looked at the screen as i saw both of them leaving the game and me alone in the call. I was glad tbh.. but humiliation hasn't ever felt this big than now, and for some reason it just turned me on more, was it because Changbin was still bounding hardly into me.. or did i have a humiliation kink.?

I took the opportunity and started moaning freely at the sensation of his dick bounding into me, Changbin quickly realised what had happened and started thrusting faster making my eyes roll back to the amount of pleasure i was put in.

"Mm.. a-ah..Changbin~" I moaned loudly without any shame at this point.

"mm, you feel so good around me princess~" Changbin groaned next to my ear sending cold shivers through my body.

"H-hyung.. i'm so c-close.." I gasped as i felt him hitting my prostate harshly.

"Me too princess" he groaned and i felt his thrusts becoming more sloppy.

He kept hitting my prostate with sloppy hard thrusts making me reach my limit with a long lasting gasp.

We were both panting heavily and i looked up at his eyes and smiled slightly.
"That was the best sex ive ever had hyung" i admitted out of nowhere which made Changbin chuckle lightly.

"Yeah? I think so too" He smiled and pulled out slowly which i slightly whined at.

"Come on lets get cleaned up" He got up from the bed and picked me up in his arms with a bridal style.


(A/N: FINALLY after like what... 2 months of writing this ONE CHAPTER i finished it... also sorry for being gone so much, idk where my motivation went- its still not fully back but since ive started reading alot again maybe im able to gain motivation to write too! Ily)

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