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(A/N: Sorry for the one who requested this because it took me so long to even start writing, inactivity hits hard yk! OH also i never asked if you wanted credit but TY for requesting and i hope you enjoy! Also btw im so tired of writing smut so this wont be completely smut, it will be cut off 😔 im sorreyyyy)

Hyunjin's pov:

I walked inside the dorms exhausted from the day i had. I was sweaty since i had been to the studio just to practice the choreo's for our new comeback songs.

I walked in the kitchen to see Felix all over Changbin and just being cuddly while the other tried to make something to eat.

I always liked Felix. I couldn't deny it and sometimes it would be a huge problem because he liked to hang out with others than me as well. I never had told Felix about my feelings since i never wanted to ruin our friendship or group chemistry.
It would also be a huge risk to start dating.
So i kept quiet.

I watched Felix cling to Changbin and i couldn't help but feel the burning jealousy inside of me.

I left the room before they could even notice i was there.

Felix's pov:

"Do you think it worked?" I asked the elder hopefully.

"Probably, but you shouldn't play with his feelings like this-" Changbin sighed heavily at me and then pushed me off of him.

"No, but its fun seeing him so jealous." I chuckled and Changbin gave me a look.

"Okay now what if you see him doing this same with Innie?" Changbin asked and my laughter was long gone.

"You're right" I sighed and left to my own room.

Few days ahead:
Felix had kept teasing Hyunjin and making him purposely jealous just because it was fun for him. Felix in fact did like Hyunjin but could never tell the older that just to ruin their friendship and group chemistry.

Hyunjin's pov:

Again i was in a situation where i was sitting in our living room and Felix would cuddle somebody just accross me. It hurt. He hadn't spent any time with me lately and just basically avoided me in every way possible.

I got up and left to my room like every other day. I couldn't bear with the feelings i had for him. Maybe i should stay away for a while.

I sat on my bed sighing heavily. I hated this feeling and i knew he would never feel the same of me.

Felix's pov:

"Okay Felix, i think you've done enough. Go after him." Minho said and i could hear how annoyed he sounded so i decided not to fight against him

I nodded at Minho, getting myself up from the couch and walking to Hyunjins room. I hesitantly knocked only to hear a mumbled yes and i walked in.
"Hyung.." i started but stopped as he walked to me.

"What am i, a game to you?" He asked with clear annoyance in his voice.

"hyung- i'm sorry, you're not." I said and looked at the floor a bit of guilt inside of me.

"Look Felix, whatever it is. I like you and it just hurts that you don't spend time with me anymore and instead avoid me and flirt and hangout with the others." Hyunjin sighed heavily and i felt my heart quicken at the confession.

"Hyunjin- i'm so sorry.. i really like you too." I walked closer to him and took his hands wishing he would look at me now.

He looked up at me and pulled me into a kiss. A sweet long kiss.
Our lips synced perfectly and he slowly walked me against the wall. Our sweet kiss started forming into a heated one as our tongues danced inna perfect rhythm with each others.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands creeped to my hips pushing me harder against the wall. I had longed for this moment for long and i knew he had too.

He then grabbed me by my ass and lifted me up as he got in between my legs, me still against the wall.
He pulled away from my lips and moved to kiss my neck.

"Hyunjin, no hickeys.." I whispered to him.

"Don't worry. I'll just put them where no one can see." He smirked at me and i flushed red at that.

He kept kissing my neck and started unbuttoning my shirt and then kissing down to my collarbone and chest.

"Hyung-" I panted and he lifted his head up to look at me.

"Yes baby" He smiled and the nickname made my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Make love to me." I said quietly and pulled him closer to my face.

"Gladly." He answered and kissed my lips once more.

We shared a long lustful kiss.
He started undressing me and i helped him undress himself as well.
Our naked bodies started getting as heated and hot as our kiss.
I'm glad i annoyed him. It paid off with a great night.

(Im so sorry this is short and theres no actual smut smut... but im really not that into writing smut anymore somehow😔😔😔😔 i need more insipiration.)

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