A/N questions for readers

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Hellour, you see this is no update...

But ive been thinking, since ive done some povs that you have to guess and i never thought do you guys even like them, should i do them more?? 😅

Ohh also i just hit 16K which is crazy😖😖😖

Thank you all so much for being supportive and all for the request i have received.

ALSO If you're wondering.. "WHEN WILL WE GET A PART 2 TO SEUNGBIN??" I already wrote one... but as Hyunjin and Seungmin... i didnt personally like it when i read it again... so do you guys want me to make it Changbin and Seungmin IFFFF i do another part 2??

Andd for those whose requests i might not have done yet. Im working on like five parts at a time rn andddd also the other story i have.. but i think i already lost interest in writing it since it didnt get as much attention but i'll try to finish it incase of a blow up. Bc the idea was good in my head but idk if i can write it🥲🥲🥲 (very sad)

If you have any questions for me, i'll answer in another part but leave questions here, i'll let them come in for a while and then make a Q&A.

I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH thanks for all votes😚😚😚😚😚🥰🥰😘😘😘😘🔥🔥🔥💋💋
(i love emojis.)

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