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(I can see yall's reads.. yall like smut.. AND BTW THIS IS SHORT)

(Can you guess the ship before the end?)


I inserted two fingers into him and heard him call out my name multiple times when thrusting and finger fucking him.
"Nu uh, that's not my name.." I said playfully and inserted a third finger into him.
"Ma-master! M'sorry.." He whined and tried to talk through his moans.
He was so dominant to everyone else yet so submissive towards me.
His back arched like a cat out of pleasure, the look of pleasure on sharp face features was beautiful.
"P-please fuck me master.." He pleaded and i chuckled.
"Do you deserve it, kitten?" I asked.
"P-please.. i-ive been a good kitty.." He whines slightly and i smile softly.
"Thats true, you've been a very good kitten to master, but have you begged enough for it?" I teased.
"P-please.. M-master i'm begging you.. fuck me.." The boy under me begged like it was his last time getting wrecked by me.
"Thats right kitten, good job" I praised him, which i knew he liked when i heard a slight moan to it.
I took my fingers out of him and lubed my length.
I grabbed his legs and put them onto my shoulders to get a better position as a i thrusted into him.
"A-ah!" The younger moaned loudly as i began to thrust into him with a steady pace.
"my my kitty~ we only started" I teased the cat like boy under me.
I pulled the leash that was attached to his collar and pulled his head upwards. I kissed his soft plumpy lips while still thrusting into him. He kissed me back sloppily with moans here and there.
I pulled back and looked at the moaning mess below me. His sharp cat like features, he was beautiful.
"C-cum?.." He asked me slightly with a whining tone of voice.
I smiled at him. "You can kitty" I said and with a few thrusts he reached his peak and came onto our stomach's, his ass clenching around my length made me cum too. I thrusted deep and slow and then stopped. We were both pathing. I looked at the tired boy under me, who i slowly pulled out of and inserted a plug into him to keep the cum inside.
"You were such a good boy for master, weren't you?" I praised and stroked his cheek gently with my hand.
"Y-yes" he nods and smiles softly at me.
"Come on kitty, lets get you cleaned up" I smiled back as i got up and picked him up into my arms.

I had prepared a bath for the both of us and now we were sitting there together.
"Feeling tired kitty?" I asked and got a nod In response.
"Did i go too rough..?" I asked again with slight concern in my voice too and he only shook his head.
"Okay, good.. what do you wanna do after this?" I wrapped my arm around his shoulder's.
"Sleep.." he yawned and i chuckled.
"Alright then kitty, we can cuddlee and sleep" i smiled at him and he only nods again, too lazy to respond properly.

(GUESS HERE>>>>>>>>)

"I love you Minho" I said while smiling.

"I love you too Channie hyung" He smiled back at me.


(Dont ask idk what this was but uhm WE HAVE DIFFERENT KIND OF HEARTS NOW LOOK 🩷🩵 TWO NEW ONES OMGG the blue one is gonna be my ultimate fave eveeerr)

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