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{Felix Pov}
I got off work finally, locking the door and walking in, i was exhausted and wished for a fast shower and some rest.
I practically kicked the shoes out of my feet. I walked to the living room to see Hyunjin laying and watching his phone.
I sat down on the couch and wished for his attention turn to me instead of that stupid device on his hand.
When he didn't pay me any attention, i snatched his phone out of his hands and he looked at me.
He sat up still keeping his eyes on me.
"You in need of attention or what?" He asked me
"Indeed i am.. your paying so much attention to that device that i might even get jealous" i said dramatically and he chuckled at it.
"Come here baby" He opened his arms for me to hug and i did. I snuggled as close to him as possible.
"So warm and comfy.." i said and he chuckled at my words.
"How was work today?" He asked me.
"It was fine but tiring.." i answered as i put my head against his shoulder.
"Hm, do you want back rubs?" He stroked my hair gently.
"Nah, being like this with you is enough." I said and he pulled me closer by the waist.
"I guess we can just cuddle then" He then said and i nodded.
We cuddles for a good while on the sofa until i looked up at him and he looked back at me.
"I do need a shower" i said while we stared into each others eyes.
"Can't you do that later, i wanna cuddle you longer" he said and i smiled a little
"We can shower together" I suggested
"That will just end up us fucking.." he smirked and i smacked his chest a little.
"Well.. is it a bad thing?" I said while smirking.
"Not necessarily.. but you can't miss dance practice tmr bc of a sore back yk" he said and i blushed harshly at his words.
"Hyung your such an idiot.." i put my head against his shoulder to hide my face.
He only chuckled at me.
"Lets get showering shall we then" He suddenly says and gets up, picking me up.
"Yes Felix?"
He walked inside the bathroom and put me down.
He started stripping his clothes off as i was a little taken aback and couldn't move a muscle.
"Yk, you can't shower with clothes on- i mean you can but it would be uncomfy" he said and i just nodded and started taking off my clothes.
He turned on the shower and i was about to start washing myself off as he then pinned me against the shower's wall.
Water running through our naked bodies as we looked at each others.
"Hyung?" I looked slighly up at him.
He only smirked and put his knee against my sensitive area making me whimper of the contact.
He started kissing me passionately and i kissed him back while butterflies filled my stomach. His big hands roaming against my body as mine just rested on his shoulders. Our lips moved in a perfect rhythm. He soflty bit my lower lip making me let out a pathetic moan, allowing him to slip his tongue in. He explored my whole mouth before pulling back.
We were both panting a little.
"Gosh i'm addicted to you." He said and i blushed at his words.
He started slowly kissing my neck down to my collarbone making me left out whimpers and moans. He then found my soft spot and started sucking on it making me moan louder.
"a..ah~ Hyung.." I moaned as he smirked against my neck.
He slowly lifted me up still being pinned against the wall. He looked at me.
"Just look at me."
I heard his demanding voice say as i looked at him.
"Preparation?" He asked and i nodded.
"Words baby." He teased me as i rolled my eyes.
"Yes, i want preparation.." i said and he smirked in satisfaction.
"Open up" he said and i opened my mouth and he pushed his fingers inside of my mouth and i whined a little.
"Suck." He commanded and i sucked his fingers and when he was satisfied enough he pulled them out.
He slowly brought a finger to close to my entress making me nervous.
"Relax" he said and i relaxed my best as he pushed one finger inside of me making me gasp.
He started moving his finger and curling it inside of me hitting my prostate immediately making me
Moan out of pleasure.
"Woah woah there Felix, it's only one" he smirked and pushed another finger inside of me. I felt a little sting of pain but it soon turned into pleasure as he moved his fingers inside of me, stretching my hole.
"ah~ hyung.. more." I moaned and he smirked at it.
He pushed yet another finger inside of me, and i arched my back a little, i whimpered and moaned when his fingers curled inside me, hitting my prostate perfectly.
When he thought i was stretched enough he took his fingers out of me, making me whine at the empty feeling.
"Patience baby." He said.
He lined himself and i felt the tip of it touching my entress.
"Please.. hyung.." i whined, i was desperate for him to start already.
"Please what?" He teased.
"Y-you know.." i was a little embarrassed and couldnt say anything else.
"I don't think i understand what you want me to do baby." He smirked and i whined again.
"Fuck me Hyung.. please." I mumbled quietly but loud enough for him
To hear.
"Gladly." He said and i felt him enter me and i moaned at the stretch yet again.
He started moving in and out.
I grabbed his shoulders and moaned at the feeling.
He started fastening his pace and i moved slighly upwards against the wall, moaning loudly as he pumped in and out.
"Ah~ Hyung!.." I moaned and scratched his back feeling the amount of pleasure he was giving me.
"Look at me" he said and i looked into his eyes that were already glued into mine.
"Pretty baby" he praised and i blushed.
He leaned down and kissed me lovingly. I moved in a sync with his lips kissing him like my life depended on it.
Sucking on each others faces like there was no tomorrow, as he still pumped in and out on a fast pace. I tried to keep my moans in but couldn't help but let some out as he hit my prostate perfectly.
We finally broke the kiss and he lifted my chin up so i would be looking at him.
"Look at me baby, i want you to look in my eyes while i fuck the shit out of you." He said and i nodded.
He kept pounding inside of me hitting my prostate everytime making me moan loudly. I kept looking him into his eyes and he kept the eye contact.
He started fastening his pace yet again and i moaned loudly at it.
"Good baby, keep looking at me just like that. With those pure eyes of yours" he said.
I kept looking into his eyes as i felt the cold shower wall against my back as he kept pounding inside of me, abusing the fuck out of my prostate.
I felt my stomach get that warm feelings knowing i was close to release.
His thrusting started getting slobbery and i knew he was close too.
Before i could say i was close, he started stroking my dick making me arch my back out of pleasure.
I practically screamed out of pleasure.
I felt myself coming closer to release.
"I-i'm gonna c-cum" I told him and he smirked at it.
"I don't think so." He said and then stopped all his movement.
I looked at him with a shocked expression and a little annoyed too.
"Why- wh- hyung!" I whined.
"You know, before you start fucking with me, you should've asked if i had any kinks" he only smirked at me.
"You- whatever! Just please let me cum.." I whined and he smirked at me.
"Have you deserved it?" He asked and i nodded quickly.
"Words baby." He said.
"P-please hyung ive deserved it.. let me cum" i whined at him and he started moving again.
He stroked my dick as he pounded into me hardly, making me moan louder than ever before. I was so close again. I felt like the second he started moving again i could've came right there.
He then fastened his pace with stroking my dick and pounding harshly into me. My legs started shaking a little around him.
"So- close" i barely could so anything as i was moaning so much.
"Hang in there baby" Hyunjin answered and fastened his pace yet again making my soul fly into heaven of so much pleasure.
Soon enough i came on our stomachs, and he came inside of me.
I panted heavily and so did he. He then pulled out of me and rested his head against my shoulder.
He chuckled a little.
"That was hella good" he said and i nodded as i was so exhausted to even talk.
He looks at me and i look back at him sharing the eye contact.
"Should i put you down?" He smiles.
"Sure, but you need to wash me because im exhausted.." i said and he chuckled at me.
"Sure." He said and put me down.
My legs were shaking a little and i held onto him.
He turned the shower back on and the water ran through our bodies.
"Your so cute baby" he said as he started shampooing my hair.
I blushed at his words.
He washed my hair and afterwards he washed himself off.
When we were finally done showering he wrapped me up in a towel and picked me up.
"Lets go shall we princess" he smiled at me and i nodded.
He took me into our bedroom and sat me down on our bed.
I blinked my eyes slowly as i watched him look through the closet.
He helped me change into comfy clothes, a oversized hoodie and boxers.
"So cute" he said and i only managed to put a smile to my face.
I laid down on the bed as i watched him change into some clothes too.

"Baby" he said and i opened my eyes not even realising i closed them.
"Yeah.?" I said almost mumbling it out.
He laid next to me.
"You tired?" He asked chuckling a little knowing the exact answer to that.
I nodded and yawned.
"Awh" he cooed at the sight of me and snuggled closer to me.
I laid half on top of him, wrapping my leg around him and bringing my arm around his torso.
"I love you" i told him as i closed my eyes.
"I love you too baby" He said and kissed my head.
❤️Hopefully you enjoyed❤️

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