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(part 2 to the SeungBin angst but its Hyunjin andd Seungmin... i mean obvi its on the title)

/Seungmin POV/

It's been a month since the incident of me breaking down in front of everyone at the practice. I had slowly finally accepted the fact that Changbin was in love with someone else than me AKA felix.. it did hurt but since that happened i think me and Hyunjin started being closer and it was a great distraction from thinking about Changbin all the time.

Hyunjin had really helped me through the hard times.

It was dance practice once again and i was early as almost everytime. I walked into the practice room and saw Danceracha (Minho, Felix and Hyunjin) there.

"Hello guys" I said and sat onto the couch".

"Seungmiiiiiinn" Hyunjin practically jumped onto me and i laughed at his clinginess.

"Hi Hyunjin" i said and smiled at him, who smiled back at me.

"Ok ok lovey dovey couple in the back, lets start" Chan said, as me and Hyunjin never even realised how everyone else got there.

"Yep" Hyunjin said and got up and i got up as well.

The practice went smootly except when Han forgot what to do and then Minho would have to explain it to him like explaining something to a 5 year old... Dont get me wrong Han is good at dancing but dude forgets everything in 5 seconds.

Once it was time to stretch Hyunjin walked to me and sat down next to me on the floor.

"Seungmin, you were so good today, you seem to be in a good mood too? Whats up? Did something good happen?" Hyunjin smiled widely as he asked me question after question.

"Oh no not really, i guess i just got a good night sleep and some delicious breakfast which always makes me feel good" i replied snd Hyunjin nodded.

"Thats fair enough, tho i wish something exciting happened for once.." Hyunjin said and i kind of agreed, life was pretty the same everyday by now..

"Yk, if you want something exciting to happen maybe, find someone to date" Jeongin replied teasingly.

"You're evil baby bread" Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

I just watched the scene in silence as i stretched. I just wanted to go home and bath, i felt like getting a long bath.

"Seungmin, minnie minnie minnie seungmin min" Hyunjin kept calling my name as i woke up from my daydream of bathing.

"Yes?" I looked at him.

"What plans do you have for today?" Hyunjin asked.

"I think, im gonna go home and take a long ass bath." Seungmin replied.

"Care if i join?" Han said and Minho gave him a glare.

"I don't care but i think your boyfriend does" i replied and chuckled at Minhos face.

"Might as well bathe with him then" Han smirked and Minho just sighed.

I finally got back to mine and Jeongin's dorm. I went to my room and plopped on my bed.

"Hey Seungmin!" I heard Jeongin's voice from the living room.


"Im going out! With.. uHm"

"Your gonna go fuck with Chan?? Alright have fun Brotha"

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