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(Heavy angst...)

It's a new beautiful morning at the JYP high school.
Hyunjin is on the way to the cafeteria with his friends. The rich kid bumped into some kid he had never seen in his entire life and the poor boy fell over to his butt.
"hey! watch where your going wimp" Hyunjin yelled at the smaller boy.

"I'm sorry, i didn't pay enough attention..." Jeongin looked down at his feet embarrassed.

"whatever, next time i'm gonna make your life living hell." Hyunjin scoffed and walked away with his friends.

Jeongin sighed heavily gathering his stuff and getting late for his class. Unfortunately for the boy the rude kid was in the same class as him.

Jeongin sat on the first row just to avoid interactions with the rich kid. Unfortunately for him, the rich kid did not want to leave him alone.

"Hey clumsy dork" Hyunjin smirked and sat down next to Jeongin.

"H-hi...?" Jeongin turned to look at him awkwardly.

"Wow you must really like twice, big fan even." Hyunjin laughed at Jeongins pencil case.

"Eh, yeah... they make good music.." Jeongin felt suddenly ashamed of his music taste just because of Hyunjin laughing at his pencil case which had twice on it.

"Really hm." Hyunjin grabbed the pencil case and got up.

"No! Thats mine" Jeongin tried to reach for it but Hyunjin held it up and laughed.

"is it really thaat important to you??" He asked and tossed the case to his friend who caught it.

"give it back!" Jeongin frowned.

"I don't think so sweetheart." Hyunjin laughed and they kept tossing the case with his friends. Until it was back in Hyunjins hands who tossed it into the trash.

"Would be gross of you to get it from there." Hyunjin smiled and went to sit with his friends.

Jeongin grabbed the pencil case from the trash and went to sit down. He was annoyed but tried not to show that since he thought it would be ok if he didnt care about it.

Oh how wrong he was...

For weeks, months even, Hyunjin kept bickering him.
He never did anything but bump into the guy and this is what he got in return.

But he had hope that one day, things would change.
And one day.
Things did.

/Jeongin's pov/
/one day... TW: attempted r@p3/

I walked into the locker room since i had P.E next, only to find out no one else in the locker room. Maybe no one else was there yet because i was early.

I tossed my bag on the bench and started changing my clothes.

Only then. The lights went out and it became pitch black.

I heard a door open and close and i was certain someone had come in.

"Hello?" I asked but heard no answer. Only my echo.

I tried findinh my phone from my bag but since it was so dark i couldn't see anything and it was pretty hard.

I tried to remain as calm as possible but i kept hearing footsteps which made me nervous.

All of the sudden a piece of fabric was in my mouth preventing me from screaming or saying anything.

I squirmed but someone grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.
I tried screaming or making any noise possible but i couldn't.

I hadn't even had the chance to change my clothes and so i was practically half naked right now. My heart bounded faster. I was just held against the wall and my hands were being tied. I wanted to cry. I was scared.

I felt the last piece of fabric being removed from my body and i was sure that i was going to get raped. I started to tear up and crying. I squirmed in every way possible not wanting anyone to touch me.  I cried hard, maybe they would come to their sense and not do it to me...

I felt hands roaming on my body which made me want to throw up. I felt disgusted.

I felt someone breathing to my skin and kissing the back of my neck.
My body started shaking from fear and i felt cold...

I felt hands touching me on places i didn't want to be touched. I felt uncomfortable and i wanted to scream.

I kept crying harder as the person didn't stop.

Suddenly the door flew open and lights went back on. The person all over me backed away quickly.

I turned to see Hyunjin at the door and he looked shocked at the sight. He stormed to the guy and punched him on the face leaving me confused.

"You disgusting pig!!" Hyunjin said and the guy ran off quickly.
He then turned to me and i couldn't help but keep sobbing.

"Let me help you.." he said, and took the fabric off of my face and finally i could speak again.

"W-why did you help me.." I asked first, because this guy literally had bullied me ever since we first met.

"get dressed first and then we'll talk." He said and looked away respectfully.

I got dressed again and sat down bringing my knees to my chest. I felt so exposed even tho i had clothes on..
"Imm done now.." i said quietly and Hyunjin turned back to me.

"Look, i know this may not mean anything you to now but i'm sorry for everything." Hyunjin started and sat down across from me.

I teared up again.
"You've been nothing but mean to me right from the start."

"I know and i wish i could undo it. Its just that, yk the day we met? When we bumped into each others..? Well that was the day my brother died.. so i was a bit out of it and since i bumped into you, i connected you to it and i- just started taking my anger out of you" Hyunjin said and i felt bad for him.

It didnt excuse that what he did but at least i knew the reason why.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"No, i'm sorry, i was horrible to you and even about things you cant control, like what you like and don't like. Also i love twice, they do good music like you said." Hyunjin explained and sat next to me.

I smiled a bit and wiped my tears away.
"Thanks for saving me.."
i said.

"Even if i didn't like you, i would do it anyway.. i don't want anyone to go through that pain." He said and i nodded.

"Can i hug you?" He asked and i hesitantly nodded.

He pulled me into a hug and i hugged him back.

"I'm really sorry for everything, can we start again?" He asked.

"Sure, i'll be forever thankful for you, so consider this forgiveness." I smiled.

"Lets go snitch on the guy, i know him personally so we can even put him in jail." Hyunjin smirked and i nodded.

"Sounds like a plan" I got up with him and we made our way to the principal.

(This was difficult.)

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