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Hellour my dear readers, i never thought when i started writing that my one shot book would get so much reads 💀 because it was purely out of boredom...

Well anyway
Thank you all for being supportive, reading my stories and giving fun comments which i love to read and even answer.

Again requests are open! Please do request things, anything. Im running out of ideas even tho i only had a few chapters on this book😔😔

Also ive been working on another book which you guys will be hearing more about later... 😉

Anyway request anything. Leave them in the comments and i'll make sure to check every single one of them. THO that doesn't always mean i will do every single one of them... mostly because im busy.

But i try okay, and once i forgot to do one request so dont come at me. It took me years to actually start writing it and it didnt even fully get to the readers desires bc i didnt do smut bc i didnt know how to write it 😀 WELL ANYWAY

But please suggestions on plots! Like what type of plots should i have bc thats what i struggle with the most. 💀

Adios amigos my lovely readers. 💋💋💋

Request here >>>>>>>>

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