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A/N- Istg i just hit 18k and now its 19k 😨😨

Btw smut starts right away on this chapter. Beaware. Also BDSM so if ur not comfy with that, don't read!

—————[Third pov]—————

"a-ah!.." Seungmin moaned softly while holding onto the silks sheets tightly. Moving his dildo in and out of his entrance making him see starts.
He arched his back and cried out in pleasure.
"I'm c-close.." He panted and with a gasp he came.

He slowly pulled out with a whine and sat up with a bored look.
"Are we done here?" He asked the male who had been observing him this whole time.

"Sure. See you next week Seungmin" He smiled softly.

"You seriously made me come here to pleasure myself?" Seungmin was rather confused ss he started cleaning himself up.

"yes, don't complain or else i'll keep you here for longer." The male chuckled.

"I won't also if you did, i would just get more money from it wouldn't i?" Seungmin got dressed and the male kept staring at him.

"Yeah, now get along before i rip those clothes off of you." The male got up and fixed his tie.

"i wouldn't mind" Seungmin smirked and left without another word.
The male watched the younger go and sighed heavily.

—————[Next week]—————

"Hello Seungmin." The tall blond let the boy in and closed the door behind.

"If you're planning on making me masturbate alone again istg-" Seungmin whined and sat on the bed.

"No, today's a bit different. Let's see how you handle pain." The male in a suit said and rolled his sleeves up.

"Oh okay" Seungmin got up and was about to strip when the male stopped him.

"Let me." He smiled softly and Seungmin was a bit confused but let the older undress him.
"Lay down." He commanded and Seungmin obeyed.

The older male cuffed his hands and legs.
"If i go too far just say red and i'll know." He explained and blindfolded Seungmin who just nodded.

If it wasn't already clear, Seungmin was a sex worker, mostly for this man. Hyunjin, he was a very known streamer in those weird sex websites. Ofc no one there knew his face, since he wore a mask. Sometimes he would make Seungmin be apart of his videos like today. Sometimes he would only invite Seungmin in just to observe the younger because of how beautiful he looked. He had to admit, he started taking a liking to the sex worker and didn't want anyone else to have him. So he started paying Seungmin more so he wouldn't go to anyone else but him.

"Will you stream Hyung?" Seungmin asked and Hyunjin smiled at the sight of him. Tied and blindfolded not knowing whats going on.

"Yes, you better behave hm" Hyunjin softly kissed Seungmin's cheek and went to set up his camera.

"I will, master." He couldn't help but blush at the small kiss. Hyunjin made him feel tingly but ofc he would never admit to that.

—[TW: Bdsm]—

The stream started and Hyunjin started explaining what would be happening today. How he would be punishing Seungmin for being bratty. The idea of Hyunjin punishing him excited Seungmin more and turned him on more than he already was.

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