🍼💘Little secret💘🍼

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A/N- Hellour, lovely pastries, it's your favorite pastry leader Mochi. Something new i wanna try bc i haven't and this is apart of my life as well... and this is Minchan x Jisung.

🍼 = Little space

Jisung had a little secret but keeping it from his hyungs is not easy especially if they go to your house without a further notice.

🧸—————Third pov—————🧸

"Waaa Quokkaaa chu naughty! How dawe chu pway without Sungie." Jisung walked into his bedroom after getting home from practice.

He had been exhausted and keeping himself from slipping at anything had been extremely hard lately.
It was always hard for him when the group was working on a new comeback, and this one especially has been very stressful for the little.

"Sungie fowgives chu... ish otay" He hugged the plushie tightly and helped his little friend to set up the tea set.
"Les have a tea pawty!"
He smiled happily as he set the little plates and cups.

For a while he enjoyed having a wonderful tea party with the quokka plushie but soon the little sungie got bored and sleepy. It was already time for bed anyways.

"Come quokka, lets wash up." He picked the plush up gently into his warm embrace. He went to the bathroom to brush their teeth, he had a smaller brush for quokka and a little bigger one for himself. They were both soft pink color as most of Jisung's little stuff were. Little sungie loved pink and Quokka more than anything, but one thing he always hoped for.. a caregiver.

He washed up and took the plushie back to the bedroom, he changed the plushie's small clothing and then changed into his own pink fluffy pyjamas.
He laid down with the quokka in his arms and it didn't take long for the little to fall asleep.

💘———Next day———💘

"From the top guys!" Minho told the members to start again.
Dance practice; something that made Jisung stress very easily because of how strict and demanding the older member would sometimes be. Ofc he understood he wanted perfection but he was sensitive and he was scared that his little side would take a hold of him if he was being yelled at.

They were in the middle of the choreography when Minho stopped and pointed Jisung out.
"Yah Jisung, whats up with you today?"

"M' sorry hyung- i'm trying my best" He mumbled and looked down at the floor.

"I'll help you after this." Minho just told him. "Take a break guys and we'll try again." He smiled as the other sighed.

Jisung went to sit down on the couch, feeling tired. He just wanted to go home to quokka and watch frozen.
His daydreams were crushed as they had to get up to dance again.

When Minho hyung thought it was okay to stop he dismissed everybody else but Jisung, who looked very tired already.
Minho noticed how tired the younger looked and his eyes softened.
"Ji, did you sleep last night?" He asked with a soft tone of voice which spoke straight to Jisung's little side.

"Yes Hyung.." Jisung responded but Minho wasn't really buying it.

"How come you're so tired then? Jisung please tell me the truth." Minho frowned and walked up to Jisung.

"I- idk maybe it's just the stress from this new comeback and i'm just anxious and tired all the time." Jisung spoke and Minho's face softened once again for the younger.

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