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(Han POV:)

Me and the group were casually watching a movie, which i wasn't really paying attention to. The whole day Minho had been teasing me and made me feel aroused and yet again while were watching this stupid movie he was stroking my inner thigh making me sigh out loud as he got closer to my sensitive part.
"Are you okay Jisung?" Felix asked when he heard me sigh yet again for the fifth time during this movie.
"Yes" was the only thing i could say as a harsly grabbed Minhos hand and stopped it from moving against my inner thigh.
Everyone went back to the movie and the teasing stopped until it didn't.
I felt his arm go around my shoulder and his hand started rubbing my ear which he knew was a sensitive spot for me.
I bit my lip as i closed my eyes at the feeling trying not to make any type of noise.
"Are you sure, you're fine, you see- your face is red" Minho said and everyone could hear the smirk in his voice.

It was normal for me and Minho to flirt and joke around but never this much. We agreed that we were only friends.
I was mentally stabbing myself as i heard another voice say.
"Minho if you don't stop touching Jisung i will file a lawsuit against you" Felix said with an protective voice.
"Get a room" Chan said.
"gladly" Minho said and got up.
I got confused by his actions but soon knew what he meants by that, when he dragged me out of the room, to his room.
I looked back at the shocked faces in the living room as i got dragged outta there.
"Minho-" I started but didn't even get to finish when i got pushed down on the bed.
"Shh" he closed the door and walked back to the bed hovering over me.
"h-hyung..?" I looked at him confused.
"I wanna stop this stupid tension in between us." He told me.
"Admit it jisung" he then said as he looked at me with a serious look.
"W-what?" I looked at him as confused as before.
He smirked and i swore my heart flipped a hundred times.
"Can't you feel the tension?" He asked.
"Can't you read the room Jisungie~" He smiled at me and brushed a few strands of hair out of my face.
"I'm hungry for you Jisung.. for your love.. when will you realise and just accept your feelings for me.?" He leaned against my neck and kissed it gently before biting and sucking on it, making me whimper at the feeling.
"Hyung..." i almost whispered out.
He started unbuttoning my blouse revealing my bare skin.
"Jisung, i want you"
"M-minho.. i- i want you too" I managed to say and he smirked at that.

He started kissing my collarbone trying to find that sweet spot. He sucked on my sweet spot making me whimper and moan at the feeling. He left a bunch of hickeys all over my upper body moving further down to my tummy and there to towards my lower half body. 

"You're so god damn beautiful" He told me and made me blush at the compliment. He then took my shirt off completely and moved back down to unbuckle my belt. "Minho-" I started but I felt a finger against my mouth as he shushed me. "shh just enjoy baby" he said and took my pants of leaving me only to have boxers on. I gulped a little as he played with the rim of my boxers. "hard for me already aren't you?" he smirked as he looked at my stupidly red face. 

He then sat up and took of his own shirt before hovering over me again. I swore I could die on spot by looking at his well built body on top of me. He leaned in and kissed me gently, I was a little shocked by the gentle touch but recovered quickly and kissed him back. 

Our lips started to move in a perfect sync, knowing how hungry we were for each others touch. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me trying to deepen the kiss. I spread my legs a little, which allowed him to move in between and come even closer to my body. I was craving for his touches and his skin against mine.






(part 2?)

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