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A/N- here we go again. Try to find song titles i hid here.

Warning: Smut starts right away🥰

———[Third pov]———

"M-minho..!~" Jisung moaned loudly as the older pounded deeply into him.

"Shh, you'll wake up the others bby" Minho chuckled lowly and put his hand over the youngers mouth.

"mm..ah.." Jisung's moans kept escaping his lips even through Minho's hand.

"Fuck.. Ji i'm so close.." Minho whispered to the youngers ear and fastened his pace once more making.

Just as he was about to finish. Some stupid ringing interrupted the little session and Minho woke up in his bedroom all sweaty and a problem under the sheets.
He pinched the base of his nose in annoyance. He had seem yet another wet dream of his best friend at this point it was getting ridiculous.

"Yo Minho you ok? You were squirming alot in your sleep." Seungmin got off of his bed and noticed the little problem the older had.

"I don't know why this keeps happening." He groaned.

"Maybe it's because you have a fat crush on Jisung dummy" Seungmin rolled his eyes and Minho gasped.

"Never in a million years would i have a crush on my best friend and our member." Minho shook his head.

"Sure... and pigs fly." Seungmin said and Minho scoffed.

"Like you don't daydream about Hyunjin everyday. Leave me alone." Minho pouted and Seungmin couldn't fight against that. He just left the room leaving the older to deal with his problem.

"Morning Seungmo!" Jisung greeted him who was already in the living room.

"How the fuck are you awake so early?" Seungmin thought out loud and Jisung pouted.

"You think i can't be up early too?" Jisung asked and Seungmin pretended to be thinking.

"Hmmmm no." Seungmin smiled sarcastically and went to the kitchen leaving Jisung.

After a little while Minho came out of his bedroom finding himself staring at Jisung who was on the couch laying and watching his phone.
He practically checked the younger out without rly minding if somebody saw.
Jisung had shorts on and Minho could just stare at the youngers bare thighs which looked so soft.
Minho stopped daydreaming as soon as it started since Hyunjin put a hand on his shoulder waking him up from it.

"You're being awfully obvious." Hyunjin said and Minho shrugged his hand off of him.

"Whatever." Minho walked to the kitchen to not keep staring at Jisung. The sexual frustration was huge in this household. Being an idol was definitely not nice when it came to sexual desires. It was like a Fever that never ended.

"Seungmooo" Hyunjin practically jumped on the younger puppy like boy who whined at the sudden hug.
"Acting like you don't love this hmmm?" Hyunjin smirked and Seungmin rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Guys." Felix walked into the room with a serious look.

"Yes? Is everything ok?" Minho and Hyunjin both asked in unison.

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