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Two members who never got along suddenly having sex..?

/Hyunjin's pov:/

I was at the practice room with Minho and Felix, we were working on our new comeback song's choreography.
We were dancing until the door opened to reveal a person i could say.. disliked very much.

"What brings you here?" Minho asked and smiled at the squirrel looking boy whose face annoyed me.. tho i never figured why.?
"Ah, i was thinking maybe you could take some time and effort to help me with the choreo, i really don't get it" Jisung said and it made me roll my eyes.

"Ah no worries Hyung you came to the right people" Felix smiled brightly as always.
"Thanks! I hope i'm not too much of a bother" The squirrel boy said.

"Your just a perfect amount of bother for me to feel the need to punch you"  My thoughts were tho soon interrupted by Minho.
"Hyunjin-ah bear with Jisung now ok? At least if we help him out you don't need to tell him how bad he is"

I guess he is right.. still wanna punch him tho..

"Fine whatever, show us what your struggling with" I rolled my eyes as we gave Jisung space to show off the part.

We watched Jisung dance to the choreography, and I practically threw up at how bad he is..
"Jisung, you're a hopeless case"
I scoffed getting bad glares to my back.

"Then help me with it you assfat" Jisung gave me the same attitude back, he was so annoying!
"First of all, your starting position, its like this not like this.." i showed him.
"Second, your moves are too slow and it looks lazy"
"Third, your too stiff, how come you manage to look lazy and stiff??"
I truthfully told all the things i saw wrong about his dance, tho we all knew how the boy was, sensitive and clearly showed it too.

Han's face turned into clear annoyance which was forwarded to me.
"I know i'm fucking it up, but cant you just fucking show what the fuck i need to do to make it better and stop being such a huge jerk??!" He snapped at me which annoyed me more.

I walked to him and grabbed him by his collar.
"Jerk? You know who the real jerk here is, acting all high and mighty, but in reality your not much better than anyone else!"
I yelled back and as soon as i said those words to his face, i got punched on mine.

"When have i ever EVER?!! Said i was better than anyone else? Gosh do you wanna get beaten?"  Jisung scoffed as i wiped my nose which was now bleeding.
I grabbed him by his collar, and took advantage of the fact that i am taller.
I pinned him harshly against the wall.

"Get the fuck off me man!!" He kicked me and i was about to punch him in his face when the practice rooms door opened again.
This time revealing a very mad leader.
"Shit should we go get Chan hyung...?" Felix whispered to Minho as the two watched the other pair fighting.
"Yes lets go." Minho nodded and they left the practice room.
The pair was now sitting on the couch of the practice room as the other members stood before them.
"How many times do we have to go through this?" Chan sounded rather harsh and maybe it was for the best too.

"Its not my problem he cant control his anger" Hyunjin rolled his eyes and Jisung almost punched him again only to be stopped by Changbin.
"Yah LET ME SMACK SOME SENSE INTO HIM" The quokka like boy yelled out of frustration.
"JISUNG AND HYUNJIN!!" The leader yelled which made everyone flinch (even minho)
"This is beyond childish and embarrassing that you two cannot get along for god knows what reason!" The leader spoke which made the two slightly guilty.
"Why? Just- why??? You're both stupid, childish people, from now on i'll take more harsh grip on these interactions. Now go, both of you. I don't wanna see your faces for the rest of the day, thank you." Chan sighed out loud as the two boys left the practice room.
/at the dorms/
/Jisung's pov/

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