Welcome To The Multiverse

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I shifted slightly as I felt someone gently nudge my shoulder. I grumbled slightly and brushed it off, only for it to become poking. I groaned and rolled over, opening my eyes a bit to see who was disturbing my slumber. Who I saw was Gladius, floating next to my bed, angled ever so slightly so he could look down at me.

"I was wondering if you'd even wake up", he said flatly, "You were asleep for so long, I thought you became Rip van Winkle."

I tiredly glared at him, then at my clock. It read 10:30, so I let out a long, frustrated sigh.

"I usually sleep this long, you oversized envelope opener", I grumbled. Gladius crossed his wings and scoffed.

"Please", he said, "You don't need to be this sassy this early in the morning."

"It's almost noon!" I whined, quickly curling up tightly into my blanket.

"Then you have a reason to get up", he snarked. I was picked up telepathically and then set down on my feet. "C'mon, the others won't like the fact you slept the whole day away."

I grumbled under my breath, but did as I was told anyway. I did my usual routine, only having to keep myself from falling asleep in the shower, and walked out of the bathroom with a fresh change of clothes on. I straightened out my sweater, then looked at the sword with a bored expression.

"So, why did you kick me out of bed, exactly?" I asked, my bored look turning to a glare.

"Well, it's for something super special", he began, "See, when I woke up, I wandered around the castle to wait till you woke up, and ran into Rainbow. As we talked, she told me about your little chat with her on the balcony last night..." My eyes widened, and I looked away blushing, "...And that gave me the idea to throw you a proper welcome party. Just because your first day here, as Rainbow told me, wasn't the best."

I nodded at that, but then I looked at him in confusion. "Wait, why did you tell me that?"

"Because it isn't a surprise party, so she gave me the go ahead to tell you", he said, waving off my confusion, "It's just a simple get together, nothing too crazy."

"Okay, cool", I said, a slight smile forming on my face. "So, are we going to head to the party right now or...?"

"Not yet. Rainbow needs more time to get it all set up, so we'll be hanging out until then." Gladius hovered to the bedroom door. "So let's get going!" He opened the door, only to be greeted by a smiling Katania.

"Hi guys!" She said happily

"Sweet mother of all things holy!" Galdius shouted if terror. He bolted back and clashed onto the floor. I looked down at him with an unimpressed look, then looked at Katania with a smile.

"Hey Katania", I greeted, "How's it going?"

"Fine", she pointed at Gladius, who was still on the ground, "What's his deal?"

"Rainbow was going to throw me a welcome party, and he was supposed to help keep me distracted till it was ready." I paused, then my eyes lit up. "How about you join us? The more the merrier, after all."

Katania beamed at the idea. "Yeah, I'd love to! I was actually going to ask if you wanted to hang out, anyway."

"Cool", I looked at Gladius, who was finally getting up off the floor, "Gladius, is it cool if Katania joins us?"

Gladius hovered to my side. "It would be nice, but dear?" He faced Katania. "Learn to knock next time, please."

"I was going to..." Katania said, squinting at the sword. Gladius didn't seem to care, and just floated past her, leaving her to slightly fume at the balde. I made an unsure face, worried my two friends wouldn't like each other. But I shook off the feeling, hoping it was simply early morning grogginess. I shared a look with Katania and shrugged, and the two of us followed after the sword.

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