Freedom Is A Voice

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I stared up at the top cover of my bed, unable to return to sleep after waking up an hour ago. It was only 5 AM right now, and my brain was nagging at me to get up and do something with the others before they had to leave. I really didn't want that conversation I overheard between the two technicians to get to me, but it did. It really wormed its way into my brain after the karaoke and dinner.

So here I was, laying awake after only a few hours of sleep, my brain running wild as I tried to think of something to do. We had today and tomorrow, that was it. Two days before we all had to say goodbye.

I buried my face in my hands, suppressing a grown so I didn't wake up Gladius and Maple, who were both sleeping soundly. Deciding I needed a walk, I carefully got out of bed, put on my slippers, and trudged into the hallway. It was quiet, and still fairly dark aside from the lighting Gladius said was always on for emergency reasons. They were low level, so I luckily wasn't blinded as I headed down the corridor towards the balcony.

Adjusting the housecoat I picked out so I didn't freeze, I headed down the stairs and began my walk through the courtyard. The moon was just barely visible over the horizon as the orange glow of the sunrise filled the sky. The blanket of grey clouds from yesterday had somewhat parted, letting the sky break through and illuminate the surrounding plants. It was calming, especially since there was a gentle creek that ran by amongst the greenery.

I took a deep breath and continued along my walk, the dew and moisture on the leaves sparkling in the sunlight, making me flinch every so often. But otherwise, I was at peace as I walked along. At least, it looked like that on the outside.

Inside, I was caught within a hurricane of turmoil.

My mind was racing with foggy voices as I tried to think of something for me and my friends to do today. This was our third to last day together, after all, and I didn't want us to lose the connections we shared. Through it all, we persevered in the end and made it back. But now we would have to say goodbye for who knows how long.

I wanted to do something that would keep us connected, no matter how far apart we all were from each other.

But then that thought wouldn't leave my head.

Something that could keep us connected... even when universes apart.

And thus I came up with my grand plan for the day: a second shopping trip, this time with the intent for us to buy a special souvenir that would act as our way to remember these past two months. That was perfect, especially considering tomorrow would half to be a packing day.

I doubted Rainbow would let the group stay if the gateway was finished, even if it was for one more day.

So it was settled then. We were going shopping today. Only issue was if Rainbow would be okay with that, considering how close to they end we were.

I gulped and decided it would be best to tell someone or her asap, or it would be too late. I scanned around my immediate surroundings, but sadly didn't see any staff or guards around anywhere. My shoulders slumped, and I was worried this would be a day I wouldn;t be able to find anyone until it was the next day,

But, as if to answer my prayers, I finally caught sight of a guard checking around. As soon as I locked my eyes onto him, I ran over.

He looked over at me and smiled. "Ah, greetings Master Caleb. What brings you out here this early?"

"Could sleep, and wanted to clear my head", I answered honestly. "But I wanted to ask if you could tell Rainbow something for me."

"Of course. What do you want to tell her?"

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