(Epilogue 3) Pillows, Pie And Panic

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I walked down a hall towards the kitchen, ready to snag a snack for myself after a fairly long day of drawing. I was painting a landscape, specifically of the city on the horizon. I just needed a bit of a recharge.

So it was a massive shock to see Ralph in the kitchen rummaging through the walk in fridge. I watched the wrecker shuffle through the cold metal coffin in search of something, which seemed to make the present chefs just as confused.

"What's going on?" I asked.

One of the cooks shrugged. "He just came rushing in saying 'I need pies!' And now this."

I hummed in curiosity, and walked over towards the wrecker carefully. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he jumped at my touch. It was so sudden he banged the back of his head on the upper shelf. He looked at me, then to the chilled pies behind me.

"Hey Ralph..." I said in an unsure tone. "What's going on? Why are you pie hunting?"

"Don't worry about it kid", Ralph said back as he left with his target. "Just snagging some pie for me and Vanellope. I'll be out of your hair soon."

"But, wait-" I stumbled after the wrecker, my hunger forgotten as my concern for the situation taking over. "Can't you just raid Gene's fridge or something?"

"I like the pie here more."

"The- what?" I stumbled a bit as I tried to keep up with him. "Ralph, seriously, what is happening? Why are you here anyway?"

"Like I said, kid. Don't worry about it."

"Did something happen at Litwack's?"

The wrecker paused, and we were in the middle of the hallway. No one else was here, so it was just us. Ralph sighed, and by how drawn out and drained it sounded, that made my heart clench.

"Sugar Rush got unplugged", Ralph said miserably.

"WHAT?!" I cried in horror. "How?!"

"Long story, but the short version is some kid was too rough with the steering wheel and broke it. Some kids suggested buying a new one, but it was too expensive, and now Sugar Rush is unplugged. Vanny and the other racers are back at Fix It Felix, but no one is taking it well."

"I freaking bet", I breathed out. "Did everyone get out fine?"

Ralph nodded. "I was a mess till the arcade closed, but when I found out that Vanellope and everyone else was fine, I was released. Still, it's... it's been a hard time. Vanny's been glued to my side for most of this, and I honestly have no idea what to do. Most unpluggings weren't this bad, so trying to find everyone a home has been a nightmare."

I looked to the side. "Do you think Vanellope would want to spend some time here?"

"She said she can't", Ralph explained. "She wants to be there for the other racers, the donut cops, Sour Bell and everyone else. She's got to be there for her people. Her words, not mine."

"Jesus Christ..." I put my hands on my hips and stared off at the wall, as if in a trance. "I have to tell Hilda about this, unless she already knows. Vanny and Hild are practically sisters, so she has every right to know."

"I told the kid that, but she doesn't want anyone else to know. Said she doesn;t want them to worry."

I sighed. "Fine. I won't tell the others, but then she'll have to tell them when this whole thing blows over. No matter what happens, they need to know."

"I getcha', kid, don't worry." The wrecker walked down the hall and reached into the Rec Room. While still holding the pie in one hand, he threw a filled sack of... something over his shoulder with the other.

"What's in the sack?" I asked.

"Stuff for the kid so she can get comfortable in my home", the wrecker explained. "She doesn't usually sleep over, so I don't have a whole lot in terms of a guest room."

I hummed. "Fair. Make sure she gets situated and comfortable." Ralph nodded and began to make his way towards the balcony. "And Ralph?" He spun back around to face me. "Tell Vanellope I love her, and that I hope things get better for all of you."

"Of course kid." The wrecker waved me off. "Love ya', we'll keep in touch!" He stepped through the door and closed it behind him. Not a second later I heard the portal activate and deactivate, once again leaving me all alone. With a deep breath through my nose and a conflicted expression, I headed back to the kitchen to complete the original task I had.

But all the while, my worry for Vanellope wouldn't leave my system. She was a strong girl, and definitely could handle stuff like this. But... it's a lot for a twelve year old, you know?


Tragedy has struck Litwack's, and the worst has come: Sugar Rush has been unplugged. Now homeless and grappling with having to make sure her friends adjust, Vanellope gets sucked down into a deep pit of despair.

But when Ralph suggests they go into the newly plugged in WiFi router and take to the internet to fix this themselves, she readily agrees. But what follows is an adventure that makes this iconic arcade duo wish they just stayed home.

The internet can be a scary place, after all...

Find out in WorldWide Wreck-It...


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