It's Not Over

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After helping with cleaning up The Doctor's failed experiment, I led Baby inside the TARDIS. She gasped at the interior, endoskeleton jaw hanging open in shock as she looked around the grand central room. The TARDIS seemed to like the attention, as she let out some happy sounding ambient beeps that echoed through the room.

McGee and Gretchen, both of them also new to the Time Machine, were looking like fish out of water at the sight before them. Gretchen ran back outside, poked her head in, then back out, and did this several more times.

"We've seen some crazy things here", McGee began in disbelief as Gretchen came back inside. "But this is on a whole other level!"

"That's Time Lord technology for you!" I said with a smile. "C'mon, I think Zomboss might be at the library."

I led my little party through the hallways of our temporary residence, and soon enough we found ourselves at the library. Walking in, just as I predicted, Zomboss was sitting at one of the tables reading a book on mechanical engineering. He probably was looking to work on a machine, and I felt like that was a massive coincidence.

Clearing my throat as the two campers and bandmates broke off to explore the room a bit, the zombie scientist looked up.

"I see you brought her with you..." Zomboss said flatly. He gave Baby a professional look, so it was hard to tell what he actually felt.

"Yeah, she's doing a lot better", I responded. "Which is why all of us are here. We were hoping you could help us give Baby here a makeover!" I gestured to our newest companion, who looked somewhat shy about the attention on her.

"If it's too much to ask..." She said shyly, looking down and hugging herself tightly.

Zomboss gave her an intrigued look, standing up and looking around top to bottom. He had this look that screamed 'I can work with this'.

"Do you want a complete makeover, or just some slight repairs?"

"Ummmm..." She looked down. "Just some repairs. I'd like to not feel this exposed."

The scientist hummed in thought, then nodded. "I can probably do something. Just because we aren't too sure of the longtime consequences of this trip, I'm only going to fix up your torso and face. Follow me." He began to leave the library, only to pause. "If the rest of you want to join me and help, now's your chance!"

As Me and Baby followed after Zomboss, Gretchen and Laney were the only ones to follow us. Corey and McGee said they were going to do something else, and Maple decided to join them.

I waved them farewell as I continued to follow Zomboss into a part of the TARDIS I never explored much, mainly because I didn't need to. We were led into a room, and it was a typical workshop that looked a lot like Zomboss' own lap back at Zombopolis. He took Baby's hand and led her to a workbench, making sure to clear it off before having her sit down on it.

"The Doctor had this room set up just for me, and now I actually have a use of it!" He walked over to a 3D Printer and turned it on, then pulled out something that looked like a bar-code scanner. "Baby, I'm gonna need you to keep still. This'll help make designing your new face plates and chest plate easier."

She nodded and remained completely still as Zomboss walked around her, the odd scanner shooting out a red beam that didn't do anything at first. But looking over at a nearby TV screen that suddenly blinked on, it showed a digital recreation of Baby's torso and head. When Zomboss was done, he turned off the scanner and tossed it aside.

Walking up to the TV, he pulled out a device that looked a lot like The Doctor's sonic screwdriver. Clicking it on, it was revealed to be a laser pointer, and he used it as a type of computer mouse to rotate the digital Baby replica.

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