We Are The Crystal Gems

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I was already awake and dressed for the day as the sun began to rise over the horizon. I once again looked myself over in the mirror as Marco showered. Maple was on my shoulder, still a bit sleepy as Gladius hovered next to me. The sword was busy messing with my hair, trying to get it to its usual messiness.

"Gladius, c'mon, my hair is fine!" I whined.

"Hush now. I just don't want it getting in the way of your glasses." He used his wings to tussle with my hair just a bit more before I swatted him away, careful not to knock Maple to the floor.

The Wasabi Whip laughed as the sword huffed in frustration. "I'm just trying to help, Caleb."

"I know, I know..." I grumbled. "I just don't like my hair being messed with. I'm very particular about how I like it." I shook my head, and it ended up exactly how I wanted it to be. "Like this!"

Gladius let out a tired sigh. "Fine, I understand. But if it gets too long while we're still away from the capital, then I'm having Jenny cut it."

"Cool", I said with a shrug. The bathroom door opened and out walked a clean and freshly dressed Marco.

"You ready to have one heck of a last day, dude?" The Safe Kid asked, sliding up beside me as he used the mirror.

I nodded. "Today, I'm hoping we can all just chill on the beach together. After yesterday at lunch and especially dinner, I realised we all don't spend much time together as a whole group when we arrive in a world. I still remember how Ralph, Jenny, Steve and Majima were running around Echo Creek when we couldn't leave."

"So you want your new-found family to be together for a beach day, huh?" Diaz teased playfully.

My cheeks heated up, and I looked away. "Sh-Shut up..." The other boy laughed as he walked over to our room's door. I followed after him, face still burning in embarrassment and shyness with my gaze not passing over him for even a second.

Walking into the hotel's lobby, the only one there was Star, who was spinning her wand in her hand lazily. When she saw us, she perked up instantly.

"Guys!" She dashed over to us, eyes sparkling with joy. "You two ready for a beach day?!"

"Never been more ready!" I cheered.

Marco rolled his eyes with a smile. "Yeah. Same here. It's gonna be interesting to see how everyone handles a bit of sun."

I snorted. "What, are you worried some of them are going to cook like they're spinning in a microwave?"

Star was barely able to contain her laughter as Diaz shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not." Star just lost it at that.

Gladius shook his jewel, letting out a sigh. "You are all so terrible at jokes it hurts."

"Then why don't you try one?" I said smugly, Maple giving the sword a pointed look.

The sword stumbled on his words. 'Well- I... You can't- Jokes are hard to come up with!"

"Exactly", I said in victory. The sword slumped in defeat as I turned to address the princess. "So, where are the others?"

"They all went out to get our spot in the beach set up." The Mewman jabbed a thumb at the front door. "I wanted to wait here for you guys because you were all the last ones to show up. You two are slower than most girls are when getting ready."

"Hey..." both of us strong men whined out pathetically.

Gladius barked out a laugh with the princess and Wasabi Whip joining in. "You two know she's right. One of the benefits of being a sword. No hair, no need to shower, no reason to wear clothes."

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