(Epilogue 4) Salvaged Rage

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I found myself relaxing in the Rec Room with Steve and Barranco, the three of us playing a leisurely game of Uno. Gladius was hovering above the table, watching with must be bored intrigue. It was a particularly lazy day.

That was until we all heard the door that led to the balcony.

We all jumped, the cards in our hands flying out in all directions. The noise was so loud and so sudden, Gladius actually was knocked out of that air and crashed onto the table.

I shared a concerned look with the others, and we all rushed towards the door and opened it. Glancing into the hallway and looking at the end, we saw Scrap Baby. Her hand was still pressing against the door, and she looked downright pissed.

"IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR HEAD RIPPED OFF, LEAVE ME ALONE." She rolled by, joints and gears clicking in anger as she forced herself into her room and slammed the door behind her. We all winced as the sound of splintering wood hit our ears.

"Oh my gosh", Steve said in shock. "That was... intense. What do you think caused this?"

"What do you think?" Barranco spat. "Those creaky rust buckets at that crummy pizzeria were giving her a hard time! That's the only reason."

"Please, Barranco, be more considerate", Gladius chided.

"I am being considerate! I'm mad at them for making her mad again! This is, what, the seventh time this week alone?"

"He's right, Gladius", I said in concern, eyes not leaving the closed door. "Whatever is going on at the pizzeria isn't healthy for her, and it's time I put a stop to this." I straightened up and headed to Baby's bedroom door, and carefully I opened the door and tiptoed into the room.

"Caleb..." I heard her growl, her voice slightly muffled. "What don't you get about 'leave me alone'?"

"The fact that you clearly need comfort but chose to push it away", I said in determination. "So please, let me do this."

I carefully peered around the corner and saw the clawed animatronic laying face down on her bed, arms around her head as she kept her face firmly planted in her pillow.

"Just leave me alone..." She muttered with zero energy.

I took that as her finally giving in, and sat on her bed. Gently, I placed my hand on her back, and she made a shuttering gasping noise. "Just tell me what happened, Baby. Please."

"What's there to tell you?" She spat bitterly. "Cassidy was being horrible, Elizabeth wouldn't leave me alone, and most of the others wouldn't stop asking questions. It's the same thing every time."

"But this time was worse, I can tell."

Baby nodded into her pillow. "It was the night shift. Afton's chair was messed with, and he accidentally toppled into Elizabeth. That set Cassidy off, where we all were sent on him, full power. But... it wasn't right. I hated it."

I squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "I get that, Baby, but you shouldn't let this keep you down." I paused for a quick think. "Maybe you should just chill here for a while, relax and recoup, all of that."

Baby remained silent, before very subtly tilting her head so her piercing blue eye could look up at me. "I just... I just wish I could live here forever. And never go back."

I frowned. "I know. I wish that too, but right now that's not a possibility. Just... just give it time. Hopefully things get better back at the pizzeria soon."

"I hope so..." she buried her face in her pillow completely again, and I took that as my cue to leave. I wished her a quiet goodnight, and left the room so she could rest and recharge.

As I walked back out into the hallway, I was greeted with a concerned Steve and Barranco.

"How is she?" The Rabbid asked.

I shrugged. "Not sure, honestly. But she's resting right now, which is good."

"That's good." Steve glanced at the door. "So what's the plan for the whole 'pizzeria is draining Scrap Baby mentally' thing?"

"I don't know. I guess we wait till this thing either finally smooths over or explodes horribly."

"That'll be fun", Barranco said sarcastically.

"Let's hope it's the former", Gladius said firmly. "Until then, we'll leave her be."

The three left me and headed back into the Rec Room, and I was going to follow but hesitated. I glanced over my shoulder back at Baby's bedroom door, the painted scrapyard on the wall around the frame screaming loud and proud who's room it was. I was deeply concerned about how things have spiralled for her, but knew I couldn't do much about it otherwise it'd make things worse.

So, I took a deep breath and followed after my three friends to presumably start up a different game to pass the time until more of the others showed up. Maybe then, Baby would be better.

But I honestly doubted it.


A building filled with angry spirits, the serial killer that started it all, and a very emotional Scrap Baby is not a good combo you'd want. But it's happened, and the ensuing chaos makes Baby's mental health dip drastically. Between the endless night shifts, the butting heads with 'the one that shouldn't have been killed', and a certain circus clown, Scrap gets close to snapping.

All of this tension is too much for her artificial heart to handle...

Find out in Claw My Heart Out...


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