Opened Eyes and Broken Realities

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I woke up, simply snapping my eyes open. Carefully, I sat up, hugging the still sleeping Gladius close to my chest, and began to look around the room. It was my bedroom, in the castle that was owned by Rainbow and her brothers, in the world I decided to call home. I let out a sigh, my mind racing that I would've woken back up on the TARDIS or in that cramped tent.

Looking to my right, I smiled as I saw Maple still sleeping in his flower pot on my nightstand, such a peaceful look on his face. It made me wish I could just go back to sleep, but I wanted to be up before the others, so I let out a tired sigh and began to move out of my very comfy bed.

I carefully set Gladius back under the covers before swiftly picking out some fresh comfy clothes (a pair of grey jogging pants, a short sleeve black shirt, and soft grey socks) and heading into my bathroom to have a nice shower. After getting undressed and letting the water warm up, I stepped in and simply stood there, the water beating against my body.

My mind, despite how it was when it woke up, was utterly empty now. It was kind of jarring, but I guess I was still adjusting to the fact I was finally home. Just the thought alone made me smile, and with that one thought in my head I perked up immediately. With a newfound burst of energy, I did a full clean of my body before turning off the water and drying off.

Once I was dry and dressed, I headed over to my mirror to give my face a once over. I ruffled my hair, did a tiny bit of flossing, blew my nose, and did other smaller things. It felt so freeing to do something like this after so long. And in no time I was crisp, clean and all together once again. I adjusted my glasses, and headed out of the bathroom carefully.

The sword and plant were still sleeping, so I decided to let them be. As quietly as I could, I clicked the bathroom light off and walked out of my bedroom into the hallway, shutting the door behind me. Looking down both sides of the hall, all was still and peaceful, telling me everyone was still asleep. Perfect. Gave me some time to myself to get readjusted to being back home.

With a spring in my step, I turned towards the rec room.

Only to freeze when my stomach growled, so I decided getting something to eat was far more important. So I immediately spun around and began to make my way to the dining room.

Luckily, just as I turned the corner, I bumped into a familiar face.

Shaking my head, I looked up to see Jeremy in the flesh.

"Kid!" The guard cheered. He quickly brought me into a hug, and I returned it with no hesitation. "God, it's so nice to see you again." He set me down and gave me a bright smile, looking me over. "I see you're already taking to being back well."

I nodded, smiling brightly. "Yep! It still feels weird, but here we are!" I peered past him. "I was actually heading to get something to eat, were you...?"

"Yes, I was coming to get you!" He said happily. "C'mon, Rainbow's already there. She wants to get some time with you after everything."

I nodded and followed the guard down the hall, passing all the paintings of the creators, before I finally reached the dining room.

As soon as I stepped in, I was swept into a hug courtesy of Rainbow.

"Mmmmmmmm! How'd you sleep, sweetheart?" My adoptive mother said, looking down at me happily after ending the hug.

I beamed. "Great! Was a bit freaked out a bit that I was going to wake up back on the TARDIS or in a tent, but nope!"

Rainbow's eye twitched a bit, but her genuine smile never left her face. "Well, let's get started on breakfast. I made sure to make a lot just for you."

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