Love the World You Find

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I groaned as my alarm clock started blaring in my ears, waking up all of those in my room. I cracked an eye open and looked at the device that was screaming on the nightstand. The once slumbering Wasabi Whip shot it a death glare and cracked his vine against it. It was sent flying and crashed into the wall, making me, Katania and Gladius all jump up in shock. We all looked at the silenced and destroyed device, and then glanced at the fuming plant.

I let out a tired sigh and opened my arms. Gladius flew out of the way so Maple could hop into my arms and snuggle into my chest, his eyes reflecting an oncoming sadness. I sighed and hugged him close as Katania sat down next to me and Gladius hovered in front of us.

"This is it..." Kat said quietly. "It's... It's over."

Gladius let out what sounded like a hum and snarl mixed together. "I wish Rainbow would reconsider, but it seems like this is how things are now."

"Did you meet with her last night?" I asked quietly.

The sword nodded. "I did, and I made my last bits of anger known right to her face. But... she barely reacted. She did wince at my volume, but after my tirade she just shooed me out of her and Virus' room. Something about a surprise that she didn't want me spoiling."

"Maybe she did change her mind...?" Katania said in an unsure tone.

I looked down. "I doubt it. If she did, she would've done something by now. She would've said something, she wouldn't be so set on sending my family AWAY!" I ended in a scream, startling the others. I sat there, shaking in fury as anger raged behind my eyes. "She doesn't care. She doesn't care. She doesn't care-"

"Caleb!" Gladius cried. I snapped out of my spiralling thoughts and looked up at him with wide eyes. "She does care deeply about you. This is just a... It's a very difficult time for her right now. But she does love you, I know that with the utmost confidence."

I remained silent, simply staring at the sword. Then, a tear trickled down my cheek. "But I can't see them go, Gladius. If Rainbow really did care, she wouldn't send everyone away..." I curled into myself a bit, stifling a single weak and broken sob. "It's not fair. They deserve to be here as long as they want, whenever they want. They helped me through all of this. How can she look at them and say they have to go..."

Katania leaned against me and gave me a firm side hug. "You aren't alone, Caleb. You got me and Gladius, no matter what, and we will fight this for you. With you. Doesn't matter. We are all here, and that's not about to change."

I nodded miserably and lifted my head slightly. I sniffled and wiped my eyes, cracking a weak smile. "I'm fifthteen and here I am relying on a talking sword, my best friend and a sentient plant to calm down."

"That's okay, Caleb", Gladius reassured in a gentle tone. "We're family, and this is what family does."

I nodded again, regaining some control over the turmoil of emotions going on inside my head. I took a deep breath, then shot Katania a grateful look. "Thanks, you guys. Today... Today will be so freaking hard. Expect me to utterly shatter at some point, okay?"

Katania smiled at my attempted joke. "Noted." She looked at the door. "Let's go and get something to eat. We all have one last breakfast together, so let's make it a special one."

"Yeah, let's go." I stood up, stretching to try and help relax my tense muscles. It didn't do much, but it was something. Maple scurried onto my shoulder, and once again all four of us left our room with the air tense and sombre. The hallway wasn't much better, as the others were all making their way out of their rooms and towards the dining hall.

They were all dressed and ready, but their faces reflected the misery and sadness of this whole ordeal perfectly. The more stoic members of our group had shadows over their eyes, while the more emotional had clear evidence they've been crying.

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