Dia De Los Muertos

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This trip through the portal was... odd, to say the least. Zomboss had somehow found a way to transform his pod into a small cube so it could fit in his handbag, and he was currently riding in it. But what made the whole scene truly strange was the fact Zomboss was playing Blackjack with Majima and Steve, the three of them dealing cards completely unfazed. I was sitting on Jenny's back with Maple on my shoulder, and I watched the scene completely baffled. I shared a look with the plant, who mirrored my expression, then we both looked back to the card game.

"Are you guys serious?" I asked.

"Hey, don't fault me for being smart and packing up some entertainment", Zomboss shot back, "If this whole trip has times where we got nothing going on, might as well be productive."

"Yeah!" Majima cheered, "I like this guy already!"

"Even after what he did to us?" Jenny remarked in a salty tone.

Majima shrugged. "Meh, I have to deal with a lot of shit back at Kamurocho. Heck, being part of the Tojo means I get away with a lot of crap." He finished with a sinister smile.

Steve cocked an eyebrow at him. "Tojo, what the heck is that?"

"Ah, just the Yakuza family I'm part of", Majima said nonchalantly with a hand wave, "I'm head of my own family, and started the construction of Kamurocho Hills to boost the Tojo's control on the city. Plus, it gives me free range over Purgatory."

That made me shoot the eyepatched man a look of horrified shock. "YOU'RE A YAKUZA?!"

"What the heck is that?" Ralph asked, who had Vanellope, Hilda, Twig and Alfur on his back.

"It's basically the Japanese Mafia", I explained.

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted in shock. They all gaped at Majima, who just scoffed and crossed his arms.

"So what? We just let a batshit insane Zombie scientist join us, so I don't get why you're all shocked." He spat. We all fell silent at his point. He was right, which both frustrated and stumped me.

We all fell into a conflicted silence as we continued through the portal until Zomboss spoke up. "Look, Majima is part of the Yakuza. Big deal. We're all here now."

"And don't forget you let me join", Galacta brought up.

"He's got a point", Vanellope said flatly, jabbing a thumb at him.

I sighed. "Yeah, whatever. I was just shocked." I looked at Majima in curiosity. "So... what did you do when you were a full-time member of the Tojo?"

Majima looked at me silently for a moment, then quickly glanced at the children. "Well, nothing that's good for the kids, that's for sure." He let out a laugh, which made us all look at him flatly, but we all jumped when a loud boom echoed around us. A white energy wave travelled up the portal from behind us and shot into the light in front.

"Caleb, what was that?" Star asked, cruising Cloudy over as Marco looked around for some sort of answer.

"I don't know-"

"OH NO!" Gladius suddenly interrupted me. "That was a rift settling!"

"What the heck does that mean?" Jenny asked.

"TURBULENCE! WE NEED TO MOVE, NOW!" He screeched. We all looked down the portal behind us, and sure enough we could see the portal fragmenting and shifting in a wave. And it was coming right at us.

"HOLY SHIT!" Majima screamed. Galacta quickly made his way over to Ralph and helped the wrecker increase speed as the girls, deerfox and efl all held on for dear life. Jenny supercharged her boosters, and I hugged Maple close as the robot held onto my legs tightly. Zomboss dropped his cards and quickly made his way to the pod's console, grabbing hold of a lever and pushing it forward as far as it could go. Star used her wand to blast out a jet of fire to rocket her cloud summon forward, Marco hugging her tightly. Gladius quickly blasted to the front of the group.

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