Things Are Gonna Get Weird...

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We were cruising through the multicoloured portal with zero issues. Vanellope, Hilda (Alfur on her hat) and Twig were on Jenny's back (whom had her wings extended), Steve was gliding with his Elytra equipped, holding onto a not too happy Majima, and Ralph stayed stable while I sat on his back. Gladius flew around us in a circle, trying to keep us on course.

"This is incredible!" Alfur exclaimed, "All of this, just out of arm's reach. I can't believe it!"

Hilda, however, was cringing. "Yeah, but it's a bit loud, don't you think?"

"Eh, you'll get used to it", Vanellope said, waving off Hilda's displeasure with the noise. "This honestly isn't that bad."

"Says you, you little Gutter-Snipe..." Ralph grumbled. I just quietly laughed from my spot on his back, but stopped when he made a glare in my direction. "Have something to say, kid?"

"Uhhhhh, nope!" I said, feigning innocence. Ralph just grumbled something and faced forward again. I internally sighed, and began to look around the portal. It was as beautiful as always, but when I turned around, I saw something weird. It looked like a bubble was forming on the edge.

"Hey, Gladius?" I asked. The sword came up to my side, so I pointed at the anomaly. "What's that?"

Gladius looked up and observed. "I'm not too sure. I haven't seen anything like it."

"What's going on?" Steve asked.

"Nothing we should need to worry about." Gladius reaffirmed. Just then, the bubble burst and launched something right at me at crazy high speeds. I didn't even get to make a shocked look before I got slammed by the thing, sending me careening down the tunnel.

"CALEB!!!" I heard the others scream. I just screamed in terror back, the massive thing the smacked into me keeping me locked on my path. I couldn't even tell what was up and what was down before the multitude of colours vanished for a calm sky blue. I braced for my eventual crash landing, I instead was saved by Gladius, who quickly blasted next and saved me with his telekinesis. The mysterious object crashed into the ground, being embedded in the grass under us. Gladius set me down, and not long after the others landed next to me. Ralph had the roughest landing, but Jenny was quick to help him.

As they did that, Majima, Steve and Twig started investigating the strange object. It appeared to be a large light purple crystal, but it was extremely foggy, so we couldn't see through it.

"What do you guys think?" Steve asked, pulling out his iron pickaxe. "Should I crack this thing open?"

"I don't know, Steve..." Hilda said apprehensively, "We don't know what it could be."

"As much as I would love to see what's inside", Majima said flatly, "I agree with Hilda-Chan. The thing could be explosive."

Steve put his tool away. "Good call." He looked around, taking in the sights. "So, where are we?"

I took this as my chance to look around myself, and I couldn't really tell. We looked to be in a typical city park, but when I noticed some people going about their day with no acknowledgement of us, I decided to investigate. I walked up to someone, a man in a typical business suit.

"Excuse me, sir" I asked kindly. The man looked down at me. "Mind telling me where me and my friends are?" I gestured to the gang, who were busy trying to help Ralph lift the crystal.

The man smiled down at me. "You're in Echo Creek, son."

My mind instantly froze when I heard that name. Echo Creek. I did know where we were. "Thank you." Was all I said before joining the others. They had managed to lift the crystal out of the ground and put in a minecart Steve placed. Majima was the first to notice me.

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