The World Of Trolberg

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The seven of us gracefully soared through the tunnel of endless colours and lights. Me and Vanellope were riding on Jenny's back, whom had her wings extended to help stabilise herself. Steve was gliding with his Elytra equipped, Ralph was as still as a statue, Majima was treating it like skydiving, and Gladius was in front of all of us, blade pointed forward.

Majima laughed like a madman as he soared past Jenny. "This is awesome! If I knew about this,I would have joined you bitches sooner!"

I shot the man a pointed look. "Well, it's all fun and games until one of us starts tumbling. Then we all become dominos and crash at our next destination."

Majima scoffed but didn't argue further, choosing to continue gliding around. Vanellope watched with a jealous look. "Why does he get to do that and not me?" She whined.

"Because you're a little Crumb-Muncher who'll get us all killed", Ralph said sarcastically. Vanellope growled and made an attempt to pounce at Ralph, but I was quick to catch her.

"Be careful, Vanellope", Steve said, gliding over to us. "Ralph has a point. Who knows what happens if you stray from this path..." He looked at the spiralling wall of memories from worlds from all over. I actually decided to take the time and see what I could recognise, and I could point out the Pokemon Anime, The Simpsons, Sonic the Hedgehog, Overwatch, and Avatar the Last Airbender, to name a few. It actually was kinda beautiful, almost like the whole multiverse was singing its life right before us. But I was snapped out of my trance when Jenny violently shook.

"Hang on, you too!" She commanded us, "We're hitting some turbulence!"

Me and vanellope quickly braced, but a fearful yell made all of us turn around. Majima was tumbling right at us, and like I feared, he collided into Ralph, who collided with Steve, and then us, and finally Gladius. All of us screamed in terror as we spiralled right towards the exit of the portal, but I couldn't wait to tell Majima "I told you so".


We were spat out of the portal right to a forest. Ralph, as quick as he could, shifted all of us so he would take the brunt of the impact. Before I could even call his name, we crashed into the trees. We all made noises of pain as Ralph let us all go, each of us hitting branch after branch. I ended up hitting only two before I fell into a bush. It somewhat cushioned my fall, but not by much. Slowly, I crawled out of it and flopped onto the ground.

"Everyone", I called in a strained tone, "Sound off." I was met with groans from the others. I slowly rose to my feet and looked around. Gladius was imbedded in a tree, Jenny was in another bush sticking her legs in the air, Steve was lying face down on the ground in a little him shaped crater, and Ralph was lying on his back in a crater of his own, and Vanellope was sprawled out on top of him. Majima was nowhere to be seen.

"You guys all good?" I asked, walking over to help Gladius out of the tree.

Steve was the first one up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Not my best landing, but not my worst either." He walked over to Ralph and started helping him up. Vanellope was quick to recover and Glitch over to Jenny, helping her out of the bush.

"Is my other pigtail damaged?" Jenny instantly asked. I looked over at her, struggling to pull Gladius out, even with his help.

"No", I grunted, "You're good." She breathed a sigh of relief just as I pulled the sword out, falling on the ground. Gladius hovered above everyone.

"This is why we need to be more careful, Majima", Gladius spat, "So unless you want to get us all killed...Where is he?"

All of us began to look around, wondering where Goro went. "Oh, so now you realise I'm gone." We heard him sarcastically spat. We looked up and saw he was tangled up in some branches, his arms and legs locked in place.

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