More You Do, More For You

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The first thing I felt when I awoke was shifting. From the size, it was obvious it was Ralph heading out of the tent. I didn't let it stir me enough, as I just cuddled up in my blanket deeper. I screwed my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep, and I heard Marco scoff next to me.

"Oh shush, Diaz", Zomboss hissed from the open tent seal. "If Caleb wants to sleep, let him sleep."

A sigh. "Yeah, you're right." Marco shuffled out of the tent carefully, leaving me as the only occupant. I let out a happy sigh as I buried my face into my pillow, my hand feeling around for Gladius' scabbard. I didn't find him, but I did find the puppet I bought the night before.

Good enough, I thought to myself. I cuddled up with the wooden toy, a smile forming on my face as I let the outside world drift into silence. It was so peaceful and pure, just me and my dream world.

But no dream was there. I was too awake to enjoy one.

I let out a tired sigh and completely hid my head under the blanket to keep any shred of sunlight out. I even snagged Marco's pillow and put it over my head to drown out any shred of noise. I let out a happy sigh as I was sucked into complete darkness and silence...

Only to be kicked awake from a familiar wing pressing into my side.

"What do you want, Gladius?" I groaned, not moving an inch.

"It's almost noon, Caleb", the sword chided. "Everyone slept in, but I'll be damned if you sleep past lunch."

I cursed under my breath, and Gladius jabbed me. "Shush. Everyone is already up and about, so it's time for you...", He grabbed my ankle, "To get up!" He began to pull on my leg, with zero success. I growled and kicked my leg, the sound of Gladius screaming as he was launched out of the tent, making me smile. It grew when I heard my friends' shocked cries.

"Gladius!?" "What the hell?!" "Man, that brat has some legs!" "Oh heavens!" "Yeesh, sorry about that dude!" "Caleb's being stubborn, huh?"

I tuned out the rest of what was said, and released another happy sigh. But before I even finished the sigh, the blanket was ripped off and I was hoisted up and out of the tent. I gave my captor, Galacta, a very angry look. But he just shrugged, Flowey laughing next to him.

"I honestly didn't think you would have it in ya'!" The flower said, beginning to laugh again. I gave Galacta a look, and the knight rolled his eyes and pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Ralph, Jenny, Majima, Star, Marco, Barranco and Dave all trying and failing to free Gladius, who was embedded deep into a tree trunk.

I sheepishly chuckled as I scratched the back of my head. Off to the side, Izzy, Steve and Zomboss watched the whole proceeding with varying expressions, then looked at me as one and waved me over. I cleared my throat and joined them, holding onto the bear puppet the whole time.

"Hey guys!" I said happily. I gestured to my stuck companion. "Sorry about that. I just... wasn't feeling like getting up at all. Too cosy."

Zomboss rolled his eyes. "That's surprising. You don't seem like the tenting kind of person."

"Oh, I'm not", I said. The three stared at me in shock. "I'm fine with it, but if we could stay at a hotel or in a trailer, I'd take that any day."

Izzy snorted. "Even if they're crappy summer camp cabins?" I nodded, making her laugh.

"Well, if this means anything, but I'm with you", Steve added with a nod. "I'm someone who always sleeps on a bed, so not having one is weird."

Zomboss shot him a glare. "What are you talking about, Steven? You always place the confounded bed down and hog half the tent!"

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